Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, April 13

Single Blogger Support Group (SBSG)

I recently joined WABS (Will Always Be Single) and its support group PALS (Pathetic And Lonely Singles), where our motto is: "Learn to love your independence, loser!" A friend had recommended TRBNSHOFTWHCLTETFOHEWDICTORR (The Really Badly Named Self-Help Organization for Those Who Habitually Cling to Even the Falsest of Hopes Even When Despair is Clearly the Only Rational Response), saying he found it provided great comfort and solace during his darker hours. Since passing 40 however, I’m not remotely capable of remembering that long an acronym.

The problem may be that what I'm looking for does not exist. (A polite and charming, fairly intelligent, moderately attractive, church-going, party-loving guy with a reasonably good sense of humor - preferably a lover of small town, rural life. Do you know anybody?) Whenever I believe I have discovered a promising candidate, I learn that said candidate is mourning the loss of a past flame. My ability to be drawn to males making unsuccessful attempts to move beyond a recent heartbreak is positively uncanny. One would think I'd have learned to spot that blasted torch they're carrying! Said candidate invariably becomes suddenly more attractive to before mentioned past flame upon beginning to pursue a relationship with me, quickly terminating any hope of extinguishing that previously referenced torch.

I believe the situation is hopeless. Learn to love your independence, loser!


Blogger DBFrank said...

1 Corinthians 7
1Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.

Paul was single, go figure. I am guessing this applied to women, also.

1:15 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

I'm horrible at siting verses. This would be Paul's letters to Timothy, correct? Unfortunately, God didn't create me to be a person who revels in solitude. I sometimes wonder why He would instill a need which goes unfilled. Perhaps I'm supposed to be learning something or doing something. Damned if I know what it is! And patience is NOT one of my virtues!

1:24 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

Patience and celibacy are not my forte, either. Which is why single servitude is not my planned method of living out my remaining days.
Paul goes on to say in chapter 7 that marriage is the right thing for some,('specially if they can't keep their pants on, in our modern speak) so ... I enjoy having a (human) partner to go through life with, thanks. :)
(It was actually his letter to the church in Corinth).

1:43 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Naturally...Corinthians. Duh! As you can see, my statement that my mind is no longer sharp enough to hold onto complex pieces of information was painfully accurate!! Thanks!

1:46 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

It does Mike, indeed.

2:09 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Yes, it makes perfect sense. I have been unbelievably and undeservedly blessed in so many ways and it's not something I take for granted. Perhaps I have control issues. I'm typically a pretty wishy-washy sort, but I have difficulty accepting the existence of unanswered prayer in my life. I don't surrender easily to that. I can be patient...given a time table. Tell me my prayer will be answered if I'm willing to wait X-number of years, and I'm fine with that. Uncertainty on the other hand, annoys the hell out of me. I'm just tortured by the overwhelming need to FIX it.

I don't want to post my email on my blog, but I'll drop you a note later to yours.

2:19 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

I have learned this:
God always answers our prayers.
Sometimes the answer is yes.
Sometimes the answer is later.
Sometimes the answer is no.
On the email note, I do not publish mine either, but would love to hear more from both of you. I tried both addresses you have Mike (on the blog and the website) and both came back undeliverable :(

2:34 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

We'll give er a shot. The one I picked off the site was 'legal@' etc. Will try the blogspot one.
Thank you!

4:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Whenever I believe I have discovered a promising candidate, I learn that said candidate is mourning the loss of a past flame.'

This is super funny because I was like "Hey that's me!" then I was like "Hey! That's REALLY me!"

I think I jsut need to cure my vitamin L definiency with a bit of lead to the head....

4:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

new here, what happened with the boss and the stray email?

4:55 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Mr. Underhill:
I don't think I'm quite to the point of being suicidal yet...at least not today.

Once I'd recovered from outrageous embarassment and normal fleshtone returned to my face, it ended up working out for the best. It forced me to confess my dissatisfaction with my job and it got everything out in the open. She’s aware I’m looking to move on and it’s a lot easier having it out in the open. I applied for the new job today, but the hiring manager will not be in until Friday. I figure my chances are 50/50. Will keep you posted.

5:55 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

Good luck with the app. Sometimes movin' on is the best thing.

7:06 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

The job is within the same department. Probably wouldn't be a whole lot of moving involved. I probably wouldn't even have to change cubes! But thanks for the well-wishes. Now that I've made such a public announcement, I'm sure not to be offered the job and have to report my failure on the worldwide web. GROAN!!

7:44 PM


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