Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, November 25

Blogged Out

Like my friend, Big Dave, I've become blogged out. Those of you whom I've become friendly with have my email address. Please write. I will write back. If you'd like to stay in touch, leave me your email address. I may be around from time to time, but there's just too much going on in my life to keep up with the blog site.

I've enjoyed my experience here and I've made some great friends. Had a fabulous time with the Vegas group. I greatly enjoyed Blog Ho and will continue to wear my Ho shirt. Judy is just awesome. I barely have time to come check my own site for comments, much less visit everyone else's.

Love you guys (mean it!) and I promise to post photos of the engagement ring...should I ever get one.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:00 PM

Blogger Peter said...

That's strangely fitting WW that the first comment on what may be your last post is spam.
Good luck with your life, hope everything works out the way you want.

6:25 PM

Blogger kenju said...

I am sorry, and I will miss you a lot. The ring is sure to come, so please do let us know. I'll be at kenju99@gmail.com, should you feel inclined to talk. Good luck!

8:36 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Well, you'd better keep in touch! :) I understand, though. I have been blogging about once a week myself for a while too. That's all I can manage. Sometimes, life just takes over!

6:18 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Will miss you alot. Your's was the very first blog I ever "blogrolled." Did you know that?

Best wishes to you and your Paul. Best wishes and many of God's blessing on you and your kids.

Take care. You're the best.

8:37 PM

Blogger Old Horsetail Snake said...

Well, golly gee whiz, Whizzer. You will be sore missed, believe me. Keep me posted on your move/wedding?/trips, etc.

6:47 PM

Blogger poopie said...

I know the feeling. You'll be back!

7:59 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

You'll be missed....

1:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, WordWhiz! I've been a much less frequent blogger myself lately, but not quite ready to give it up altogether. Good luck with life, Paul, and everything else!

11:52 AM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Still think about you. Hope all is well. Wishing you a Happy, dream-fulfilled New Year.

3:00 PM

Blogger ... said...

I miss you! Come Back!

12:13 AM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, indeed.


Been thinking about you two, too. I lost your e-mail when our other computer committed suicide. I'd be honored if you'd read this: http://writingfromthehip.blogspot.com/2007/02/joy-of-black-history-month.html

Write, 'right?

7:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

design free house plan software

4:14 PM

Blogger kenju said...

Whizzer, come back to us - and get rid of all this spam building up in your comments.

6:51 PM


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