Pondering the complexities of life.

Friday, November 4

Review and Critique: The Ex's Love Life??

My ex has written a book. Publishing a couple of insignificant magazine articles recently apparently elevated me in my his eyes to the status of someone holding a valid opinion. I was therefore asked to proof-read and comment on the prologue and first four chapters before he sent the manuscript to a couple of literary agents who responded to his inquiry. As a PhD and college professor, my ex has published a number of academic articles in his field. This book, however, is a comedy, documenting his experiences with internet dating.

I must admit to experiencing a certain amount of vengeful glee reading the sordid details of my ex's pathetic social life - despite the fact that chapter one undeniably confirmed my suspicion that he was shopping for my replacement weeks before we'd even separated. In his story, he identifies himself, not only by name, but by geographic location - right down to the tiny town (population 4,000) in which he lives. There is a very real likelihood that some of his former dates might want to sue him (or shoot him!) after reading how they are described.

I never have been altogether comfortable with the dating scene - live or cyber - and I'm so happy to have left that misery behind me. Just one more reason to feel fortunate and blessed that Paul came into my life.

THANK GOD!! (Literally!)


Blogger Monique said...

Yay, I'm first to leave a comment! It seems, um, unusual that your EX would ask your opinion on a book about his dating life. You must be on at least somewhat good terms to have agreed? And was it any good???

6:16 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Umm..yep. It's a jungle out there. That's why I'm content with my dogs. I figure Prince Charming will find ME if it's meant to be ;) I have, however, "been there done that" with the chat rooms and such. Scary stuff!

6:53 PM

Blogger ... said...

Yeah, that seems like an uncomfortable situation that I wouldn't want to be in. Thank god for Paul!

7:12 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

You are going to send him a big bill, aren't you? You should.

7:43 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

To ALL: Yes, I have a very odd relationship with my ex. While I am constantly thankful that I no longer live with him (as is my daughter I might add), we get along okay as...well...friends. We have been separated for over two years, but have continued to have major holidays together because...well, it was easier than fighting about who would get the kids. This year, like last year, his parents are coming to visit from out of state and this year like last year, I will drive over there and cook the meal for my ex-husband, my former in-laws and the kids. Truth be told YES, I would MUCH rather be taking my daughter to Paul's parents' house...where we were invited to dine with his family. But my 12-year-old son would be disappointed. So...I'll play happy family for a few hours. It's a small price to pay for harmony.

I did tell the ex that this was the last year for a combined Thanksgiving. I expect to be doing holidays with Paul's family in the future.

And yes, Monique, the chapters I read were pretty funny - maybe more so from my perspective. I may feel compelled to play "happy family", but I still can't help but enjoy knowing that his social life has been a pathetic failure. He used to try to say it was all me. I'm happily in love with someone else and he's miserably alone. I know it's wrong, but I take some satisfaction in that! Maybe that makes me a really bad person...but that's the way it is.

9:08 PM

Blogger kenju said...

I cannot imagine what it must be like to critique a book by your ex. Are you able to give a truthful answer, or is your tendency to say it's terrible, even if it isn't?

11:52 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Kenju: I can honestly say that it's funny. I just leave out the part about it being funny that he's dated nearly 100 women in the past two + years and NONE of them want him!! And I avoid asking, "Didn't you tell me you could do so much BETTER than me??"

Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah...it's truly funny!!

9:04 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

The whole scenario is so surreal to me. It makes me laugh. I can't imagine having me ex proofread a manuscript about my love life and dating. lol. (Of course my ex wouldn't read it because she detested books. Just another reason that the marriage failed. She couldn't stand it that I would rather read than watch mindless drivel on the idiot box.)
If he does get it published without changing the names and such, I think he is opening himself up to some legal repercussions, but maybe not. The publisher should know about these things. They don't want to get sued either.

12:23 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I know you're usually loathe to give specifics, but I hope if his book gets published, you'll at least give us some hints or a clue to its title.

1:08 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Yeah, that damn Paul. Just when I was about to make my move...

When I reincarnated, of course. I understand you need to be able to breath good to take you dancing.

(P.S. I love Paul, too.)

1:12 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Oh hell yes...I'll tell you all the title!! I want to share the laughs!!

BF: I used to read more...now I'm a blog reader!! But I rarely watch TV. (Remember that tiny 13" screen??)

5:58 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Actually, I have the same sort of odd relationship with my ex. We are friends now, and we occasionally do holidays together for the ease it is on the children. Humorously enough, I told him this year no more Thanksgivings (!), so we're heading up to my family with Alex and enjoying that holiday without him. But Christmas will still be done with him. I'm not going to deprive him of the joy of seeing his children squeel and rip open presents. Plus, he is the one who owns a videocamera :)

I COMPLETELY understand what you are saying, though. My ex used to tell me I was such a bitch and nagged so much that he was a saint for putting up with me. Hello? Any successful dates in the last almost FOUR years since I said no more? None? Awww sucks to be you! He even told me once, "do you KNOW how few intelligent AND beautiful women there are out there? I really screwed up, didn't I?" Why yes, yes you did. Oh well!

We can be bad people together. I guess that makes sense since you have a theory that we were twins separated at birth!

6:06 AM


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