Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, October 17

"Two for the Money"

We went to see "Two for the Money" the other night. While it was admittedly more of a GUY flick, there were a sufficient number gratuitous "hunk" shots, where Matthew McConaughey was working out or emerging from the shower wearing nothing but a towel, to make it "interesting" for female viewers.

While he's always been a good-looking actor -- with a great smile, perfect teeth and a hint of a southern accent -- I don't recall Matthew McConaughey being so HUNKY! When did he get that BUILD?? He puts the firemen to shame!!

I just turned in freelance article #2. I found it more difficult to write because the topic I was assigned was sort of arts-n-crafts related and I'm NO Martha Stewart!!

Settle a debate? I joked with Paul that it sort of looks like he's...uh...trying to cop a feel?...in this photo from our New Hampshire trip. Obviously I was there at the time the photo was taken and I don't recall thinking his hands were creeping, but it sure looks suspicious in this shot. When he showed the 74 photos from our trip to his 21-year-old daughter, she zeroed right in on this one, admonishing him for...well...

What do you think?? (I think you can click on the photo to enlarge it.)

As I post this at 12:32 AM on Monday (I was finishing the article!!), my site meter count stands at 9995. Who will be my 10,000 visitor??

*My 10,000th visitor was from Cardiff, England. He or she visited at 5:36 (Eastern Time) on October 17, stayed for one minute and two seconds and arrived here following a search for a hunky fireman image on Google. Kira, who seems to frequently win the honor of milestone visitor, was number 10,001!!


Blogger Peter said...

Are you sure you were there at the time? looks suspiously like a grope from here.

5:07 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Oh yeah, that's groping for sure! Hand is sliding up to the promised land! Tell him he's a dirty perv, and don't forget to say thank you. Haha!

5:43 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

It looks mighty suspicious.

8:13 AM

Blogger Monique said...

Haha, it does look kinda like a grope.

Love Matthew McConaughey!

Congrats on finished article #2.

9:32 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Paul was simply making double sure you didn't fall in the creek. Besides that, aren't you the one who said you needed duct tape to hold up a strapless dress? So what's to grope?

Heh. Hoss 1, Whizzer 0

11:34 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...


Hoss, I believe you hit upon the correct response!!

11:51 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I agree with Hoss. Paul doesn't seem the sort that would do that anyway. Kids are always too suspicious when it comes to judging adults.

Since it's close to Halloween, you should check out one of Matthew's earlier thespian efforts in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. See how hunky he looks there.

12:30 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Big Dave: Aren't you the sweetheart? As for the Chainsaw Massacre...I don't do well with blood and guts. I try to avoid those type of movies at all costs. I'm very squeamish!

2:47 PM

Blogger kenju said...

That thumb was surely copping a feel! Looks suspicious to me.

3:46 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Woohoo! I live on your blog so I can get the milestones, you know!

4:39 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

Did you know that Matthew McConnaughey is one of my future husbands? I'm in love with that man....

7:43 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Amanda: You may have to fight Monique for him! Boy, has he beefed up lately or what??

Kenju: Yeah, I thought it was that thumb that was creeping into dangerous territory myself!

BF: Guess what? I got paid already for the first article!! I could get addicted to this freelance writing stuff!!

7:57 PM

Blogger Paige said...

happy 10,000 visitors!

8:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, he's coppin' a feel, alright!
MM is mmmmmmm!!


9:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thumb on boob - way to go, Paul!

PS Whizzer - Cardiff is in Wales, not England (different countries that make up the United Kingdom along with Scotland and Northern Ireland). You'd better change your post before the Taffia (Welsh mafia) get hold of you!

3:05 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Yep..it's the old sneaky thumb grope move, for sure. That hunky Matthew tried it on me one time ;)

4:39 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Oops, sorry Merkin. I'm such an American. I don't know squat about countries in the UK. Please protect me from the Taffia!! I'm afraid!!

Poppie: Ooh...I bet THAT was fun!!!

8:17 PM


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