Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, November 7


I got this from my friend, Hoss. Go to Googlism.com and type in your first name. You'll get a list of descriptive phrases to go with it. Some of mine were laugh out loud funny! For example, I'm a 29" tall virgin who is afraid of butterflies!! Who knew??

Try it out. Here are some of the items I got. The notes in italics are my own editorial comments.

Googlism for: mandy
mandy is cute
mandy is giving you her butt (???)
mandy is a domestic skunk and is the best pet i have ever owned
mandy is the bomb
mandy is a national spokeswoman for neutrogena products (Show me the $$!)
mandy is a 9
mandy is a charming 30" artist porcelain doll
mandy is an evangelist and has an important ministry too
mandy is the dumdass down the road (HEY!)
mandy is an enthusiastic ball of energy (Paul calls me the energizer bunny!)
mandy is very cool
mandy is scared of butterflies
mandy is a virgin (Mandy has 3 kids.)
mandy is an adventurer (Which isn't easy when you're afraid of butterflies!)
mandy is not what the doctor ordered
mandy is a professional pop singer as well as a budding actress
mandy is as sweet as her hit song
mandy is now seventeen years old (Wait, I thought I was 9.)
mandy is a domestic
mandy is tall
mandy is okay
mandy is extremely knowledgeable about things
mandy is only interested in one thing (Apparently not sex or butterflies.)
mandy is 29 inches tall (Wait...I thought I was tall!)
mandy is not quite ready (Which would explain why I'm a virgin.)
mandy is still available (Not really, Paul!)
mandy is now 18 (Damn, I age fast!)
mandy is an orphan
mandy is a cow of outstanding pedigree (A COW??!)
mandy is short for amanda and means 'beloved'
mandy is a dandy
mandy is cool she has a beautiful voice
mandy is a 9-year-old beagle (Not true, but I have a 9-year-old beagle.)
mandy is always making her presence known in print
mandy is much more intelligent than she lets on
mandy is an idiot (In addition to being a dumbass??)


Blogger kenju said...

I did this recently and had to laugh at the result. Seems you got some similarly amusing returns! Someone else told me to Google the phrase "Judy needs.....", but I have not done it yet.

9:54 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Ha ha ha, this is funny! I'll have to try it!

10:08 PM

Blogger Kira said...

I did this a while back and posted the results on somebody else's blog in their comments section. You have to realize that several of the references that came up for "Kira" were related to Major Kira of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. That brought back memories! When DS9 came out, many of my friends teased me and called me Major Kira.

5:59 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

I ran my daughter's name and there is apparently a plant by that name. Among her results was the statement that she had long, sharp thorns.

7:19 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

Mandy is dandy. Is liquor still quicker? I get so confused.

10:37 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Energizer buddy says it all.

12:38 PM

Blogger ... said...

well, mandy IS cool....otherwise, WTF on some of those??? Hehe, I'll have to try it for myself.

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a different take on the "(insert name) needs..."
You're supposed to google the phrase "Mandy needs" and see what comes up.

I did it a while back on my blog and came up with some pretty funny stuff too.

9:32 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Real Me: What I googled up:

Mandy needs to be loved.
Mandy needs nasal oxygen.
Mandy needs a 6 foot fence.
Mandy needs a shoulder to cry on.
Mandy needs to learn the fine art of tip-toeing.
Mandy needs an obsession. (Actually, I think I have too many of those already!)

Mandy needs to switch from Pullups to Depends.


11:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My results are here:

The funniest was TRM(I used my real name) needs the antenna held in one position for the whole day.

Go figure!

12:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mandy needs a man 2 love her

9:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very funny. A friend from work told me to do this. Although some of them have many truths behind them.

6:39 AM

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11:21 PM

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When my wife gets homearound 430 I tell her to go take a bath and stay in the tube till Icome in. She pops up and says no way.

10:02 AM


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