Pondering the complexities of life.

Tuesday, December 13

Customer Complaint

The saga of my kitchen renovation, as told through my letter to the Home Depot National Customer Care Center.

Early this year, I took a home equity loan to renovate my kitchen. I shopped around and decided to purchase my new kitchen from Home Depot. I visited the kitchen designer and picked up cabinet catalogs. I measured my kitchen, drew out a design, and took it in for an estimate. The designer gave me a rough estimate, but told me the Home Depot experts would have to create professional measurements of my kitchen before any design could be finalized.

They came out and measured. I met again with the designer; we worked out a design and ordered the cabinets. The cabinets sat in my finished basement for a while, waiting for a slot in the installer's schedule. (I hired him independently - he is not a Home Depot installer.) One side of the kitchen went in just fine. The other side proved to be 12" shorter than the previous cabinet layout. This was a problem because I had installed new flooring after moving into the house. I told the designer that the new design would have to follow the same footprint as the existing cabinetry. It could take up MORE floor space, but not less. Now I had 12" of old floor clearly visible at the end of the cabinets.

My options were to live with a piece of old floor showing or add another base cabinet and order a new countertop. I chose the second solution. I feel the Home Depot is responsible for the cost of this new countertop. The original measurements upon which the countertop dimensions were based were clearly wrong.

I should not have had any old floor showing. The manager at the local store is basically telling me that it doesn't matter whether or not the original measurements were inaccurate, I signed the work order therefore I am responsible.

When a customer is working with a kitchen designer, they sign off on a design. They are not signing off that they have double-checked the measurements. I was told at the very beginning that my measurements were not professional enough and that Home Depot's experts would have to come out to the house to take accurate measurements before creating a design. If my measurements were deemed unprofessional, how can I be responsible to confirm the measurements provided by the Home Depot experts in order to avoid being liable for any mistakes they might make? It doesn't make sense.

I've spoken to John in your Customer Care office and he's attempting to resolve this issue. He's been very patient with me, a stressed out customer living in a house without a functioning kitchen at the holidays. (No counter, no sink. No sink, no water.) I just wanted to go ahead and email this to have on record. I feel the people at the local store have treated me very shabbily. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars there over the past two years, since purchasing my fixer-upper home. They are unwilling to even split the cost of a new countertop, a $600 item, despite the fact that the problem is clearly due to their faulty measurements.

They are refusing to order a replacement countertop until I come in and sign something agreeing to pay for it in full. I consider that extremely inconsiderate, unreasonable and poor customer service.

To further brag on my most excellent boyfriend, he called me early this morning to say he'd been trying to figure out how to relieve my stress over this whole mess. He grabbed some wood from work, left-over from a government job. He's coming down on Friday to build me a make-shift wooden countertop, large enough to hold the new kitchen sink. This will provide me with a temporary water supply and the ability to wash dishes during the holidays. It means more work when the new counter finally arrives, disconnecting and installing the sink properly, but it will be a God-send during holiday entertaining.

I think Paul is beginning to rival Alex for sainthood, Kira!!!


Blogger Paul Nichols said...

I used to work for that company. You should never shop there for the type of renovation you're describing. Never! And don't let your kids shop there; nor your neighbor.

Now, if you want to buy nails, batteries, light bulbs, tulip bulbs and what not...well, just keep your receipt.

Secret: Home Depot has no experts.

7:12 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

NOW you tell me!!! I didn't let them do the installation, so I thought I was safe!! The same brand of cabinet is HALF the price there. There isn't a Lowe's near me, but I'll be making the drive from now on!!

A coworker sued in small claims court over a dispute with Home Depot. She said that the woman at the court house told her when she ordered the forms, "You won't go to court. Home Depot always settles." If they don't buy me a new countertop, I plan to sue them. I hate that. I'm not that type of person. But this is clearly their fault and I'm so ticked off about their lousy attitude. Had they offered to split the cost, I'd have been happy. As it is, I'll sue them for the whole thing and never shop there again. (And post about the experience on my blog, tell everyone I work with - a LARGE company and share my story with everyone I know.) They're going to pay...one way or another!

7:17 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Kira, a small scratch in the shining armour...Paul suggested today that I play the helpless female in my argument with the giant corporation. I flatly and firmly refused. I'm NOT a helpless female and I will never claim to be in order to get a refund!! No way, no how, not a chance!

7:20 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Wow, please continue to update on how the saga unfolds. That's terrible!

8:52 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Hmmm ok, well, Alex wouldn't do that for me because he doesn't have the knowledge to do so...but he'd never ask me to play that role. Why? Well, he LOVES to see me strong and kicking ass. For some reason, it entertains him...haha!

Still, Paul rocks for coming to the rescue there. Isn't it great to know that all problems are handled together rather than, "YOU deal with it because it doesn't involve me directly"????

9:57 PM

Blogger TD said...

Keep writing and complaining. I have to beieve that it will eventually lead to a good outcome for you. I would mention the fact that you keep a blog that reaches (x) amount of readers per day (you do have a sitemeter). One of the basic premises in retail is that a satisfied customer MIGHT tell one person. A disatisfied customer WILL tell ten. I would also mention Lowes" in whatever you write. "Lowes assured me that they would take care of this issue for me at a very reduced rate if you do not care to help me with this issue" etc, etc. Go for the throat Whiz! The customer IS ALWAYS right. Doesn't matter what you signed.

12:39 AM

Blogger Peter said...

Tell them their reputation, (or lack of) has spread world wide, and noone you know will ever shop there again!!!

10:10 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

Nice letter but you should have ranted more.

12:53 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

It is not right for merchants like Home Depot to screw their customers over like that. Don't let up on your campaign. (And thanks, Paul, for riding to the rescue.)

1:13 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

P.S. Next time, threaten them with all you b**gger friends. Tell 'em we will all urge a boycott of Home Depot if they don't come through for you. I get 200 page visits a day, and would be glad to banner your problem, and urge other b**ggers to do the same.

1:17 PM


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