Running out of shopping days...
Paul is now known in my church as "the guy with the roses".
My daughter and I sing in the choir. This weekend, we put on our annual Christmas cantata. It runs three nights - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I asked Paul to attend on Friday, so my 12-year-old son would have someone to sit with. At the end of the show, Paul presented me with a dozen red roses. He'd also bought a single pink rose for my daughter and another red rose for my son to give to me. I felt like a diva on the red carpet, walking around with an arm full of flowers. The next day, that's all anyone was talking about.
I ordered the new counter from Home Depot. I paid for it. All the fight has gone out of me. I've been defeated by the huge corporate power. I won't shop there again, but I don't have the energy to keep up the fight. I'm just not that confrontational.
My son will be home on leave from the army on Thursday. I can't wait!
Have you finished your Christmas shopping??
Yes, I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday! Now it's on to the wrapping...
6:29 PM
Yes, I finished. Can't afford to do any more!
7:49 PM
Finished? Well, does ran out of money count as finished??
9:28 PM
Cripes - I haven't even started yet - you girls are far too organised. AND I'm too late for internet shopping. D'oh!
PS Roses in church? Isn't that a little - er - taking the focus away from the Big Guy with the Beard? Or am I being too British?!
9:58 AM
Uh..nope. But it'll get done ;)
10:52 AM
I finished my Christmas shopping Friday. I must have been successful because I'm out of money.
12:02 PM
Son in the army? Yowee! Wasn't aware. How about a picture when he gets home?
Finished shopping--except for My First Wife. Whaddayou think: should I get her a new set of jumper cables or a a bigger key ring?
12:24 PM
I'm with Amanda. Running out of money has to count.
9:15 PM
Sorry to hear that Home Depot won the war WW, that's what they do, just wear you down.
Have a lovely Christmas.
4:46 AM
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