Pondering the complexities of life.

Sunday, July 16

Why is the rum always gone?

If you liked the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" you will not be disappointed by the sequel. The sometimes-over-the-top computer animation, which makes Davy Jones and his crew far more gruesome than would be possible with make-up alone, does not detract from the story or the characters. Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan (among others), all return for this second Pirate adventure and you'll find them just as entertaining as they were the first time around.

It's a good movie to see on the big screen, so cough up the $10 and go to the theatre. But skip the popcorn. You're going to want to save money for Pirates #3. Trust me...you'll be anxiously anticipating the third movie the minute the second one ends - despite the nearly 2.5 hour run-time!


Blogger Kira said...

The critics pounded it, but Alex-me-kids all loved it. We found that there were some slow parts, but that it kept to the flavor of the original. And yes, we're eagerly waiting the next one too. Reminds me of Empire Strikes Back in how it kept us hanging...

7:00 PM

Blogger ... said...

I really felt it had a lot of flaws, and was basically a two and a half hour set up for the third movie.

12:53 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Two and a half hours? That means two pee-times. I would miss all the good stuff. So they can go ahead and make Pirates 3 without me.

2:32 PM

Blogger kenju said...

Gruesome? no thanks. I'llwait for the DVD, so I can turn it off when I need to....LOL

3:46 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

KENJU: You would need to close your eyes some at the very beginning. (I DID!) The rest of the movie...well...perhaps gruesome was a wee bit harsh.

HOSS: You can watch it with Judy on DVD and "Pause for the Cause" as necessary.

TDG: Call me a sentimental fool (I am!), but I loved it! When Elizabeth and Will said "Captain Jack Sparrow" in unison, I was hooked!

AMANDA: But of course!!

6:23 PM

Blogger Serendipity said...

I spent a lot of time lost in this movie. If not for Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom's naked back, it would have been a pure loss.

6:29 PM

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