Pondering the complexities of life.

Tuesday, June 13

I give up!

On Monday morning, at 8:15, I had the torture device removed. I did what they asked. I gave it six months. I wanted it gone!!

For some women, the Minera 5-year IUD may be a great solution to the issue of birth control. For me, it was a nightmare. Oh how I wish I'd never heard the negative publicity about the patch!

On the plus side, I saw a doctor I'd never seen before at my group OB/GYN practice. He has a small sign posted on the wall of the examining room. It states that the physician finds that humor can help alleviate some of the awkwardness inherent in a visit to the gynecologist, but to let him know if you find humor under the circumstances inappropriate or "unfunny." For me, it was just what the doctor ordered. (Ooh...that was bad!) I was fearful that the removal of the device would be at least as painful as the insertion and was not exactly looking forward to the experience. Having a doctor casually joke and pick on me was distracting and relaxing.

Explaining my issues with the sadistic contraption, I grabbed the roll which has formed in my belly and told him that I didn't used to have that. "Before you were 40, you mean?" I glared at him. "Before I had this awful thing stuck in me," I countered. "This same thing happened to me on the deprovera shots. I want a form of birth control that doesn't make me look like I'm five months pregnant." Looking entirely serious he said, "If it ever reaches the point where you're so depressed about your figure that you're contemplating suicide, but you just can't bring yourself to commit the act, come into the office. Sit in the waiting room all day and complain to every woman who walks in here about how fat you are. They will stone you to death." Was that a compliment?? I think so...sort of. He went on to say that if I needed to use birth control, there was obviously someone out there who was not repulsed by my expanding middle. (That may be true, however that someone is not me!)

I explained that I bled all the time. He tried to counter with, "In time...." I interrupted, saying that I'd given it six months and I wasn't giving it a day longer. Sure my periods were light, but they lasted for two weeks! In-between, I'd pass small amounts of blood nearly all the time. He agreed that he could see how that might become annoying.

The removal process was not painful. I felt some moderate pain when he grabbed hold of the device and closed my eyes to brace for the worst. He said, "Are you ready?" I confirmed I was. He replied, "Well, you have to open your eyes first." Yeah, you guessed it, it was already over.

He joked that leaving the speculum in place would provide some pretty effective birth control. I declined to be the test case for his theory.

The patch (too risky, they say, given my advancing years) and the IUD having been eliminated, my options were dwindling. The pills (too hard to remember - did I mention my advancing years?) and the ring (yeah, it was new to me too) seemed to be my only options. The stand-up comedian between the stirrups wasn't quick to offer a recommendation, so I opted for the mysterious ring. I'm having my doubts about it already. I won't get into it here - at least not right now - because I'm sure my male readers are sick of all these "For Women Only" posts on birth control. Suffice it to say that Paul may eventually have to face his fear of surgical procedures because I'm running out of options.

(And those options are all expensive!! Even with insurance, we're talking $30/month! That's outrageous!)

Rant over.

So...how was your day?


Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

Well, I think my day not going to the gyn was truly boring and uneventful. I have nothing to talk about...

I highly recommend the vasectomy.


1:40 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Yes, I think the doctor's point is that you aren't fat, and all of us who saw you at LV can testify to it ;) However, that being said, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Every pill I've ever taken makes me gain weight, and then it eventually gives me hormonal issues like frequent headaches. I weigh about ten pounds more than I'd want to right now, and five of those pounds are from that freakin' pill. The birth control options out there for women all leave something to be desired. Alex already volunteered to get the vasectomy after we have the third and final baby in a couple of years (or CAN'T have one and we decide we're through with babies). It's not like Alex did the dance of joy at the idea--what man likes the idea of surgery on his genitals?--but he realized that asking me to suffer though the various forms of birth control out there was senseless when we have this option.

It's an outpatient proceedure, and all the guys I know who have had it says the recovery time is quick (my sampling size is about four men strong...three guy friends and my dad). I understand why psychologically a man might find the proceedure upsetting, but I guess my feelings on that are always of the nature of, "Try an emergency c-section and see if you like that better or worse." It's surgery, yes, but it's JUST an outpatient proceedure, so it's really not that bad!

7:22 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I notice the ladies are quick to recommend the vasectomy. lol.
I'm not too hip on the idea myself, but after seeing the picture of the medieval torture device you just had taken out, I'd probably change my mind.

10:55 AM

Blogger kenju said...

Tell Paul to get over it. My skittish ex- son-in-law did, and I never thought he would do it. Women should not be required to handle all the birth control; if they want to play, they ought to be willing to pay the piper, no?

11:14 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Catching up here, I got a smile out of your bout with the doctor. You didn't have a disclaimer saying, "For Women Only."

But then I saw that Sally died. For some reason, the death of a beloved family dog, any family dog, makes me sad. I guess it's the Old Yeller syndrome.

4:16 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Good lord woman! I make two of your skinny self ;) I'd love to have a doctor with a sense of humor..a GOOD sense of humor, that is. Mine are just corny.

4:57 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

I enjoyed this post...and my day was so nice that I wrote a post especially for you and some of your friends.

9:15 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

$30 a month is NOT outrageous, Whizzer.

Please tell Paul it won't kill him. And it won't. Some mild discomfort. And you can evade all those things that may or may not work but that will make you fat and/or antsy.

Be nice, Paul.

6:30 PM

Blogger Purring said...

In the same boat here. Let me know what you think of the ring. I've been wondering myself if I should explore other options.

1:44 PM

Blogger ... said...

I will have to visit the gyno soon...but I'm just gonna go with the pill. There's that fun one where you only have your period like 4 times a year....doesn't that sound blissful?

1:03 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

I emailed you some information.

11:30 PM


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