Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, May 24

You've had a bad day...

Isn't that the title of that new song they seem to play CONSTANTLY on the radio these days?

Yesterday I had a run-in with the ex.

This morning, my sister called from the doctor's office. She'd gone for her regular appointment and ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant. The technician left the office shortly after starting the procedure, replaced by the doctor. My sister miscarried at around this same stage of her last pregnancy, less than a year ago. The doctor told her there was no heartbeat. The fetus was dead.

I'm missing my son, PacMan, tonight. He's usually here Wednesday nights, but had a track meet today and homework to do. It added less to his stress to just stay at his Dad's tonight. I understand and I'm not offended, but I'm still sad.

I should be cheered by the fact that Paul, knowing I was in a funk, sent a bouquet of balloons and a teddy bear to my office today. Anyone who was unaware I was dating knows now! You could see the huge bunch of balloons from two-dozen cubicles away! It drew a crowd! I came home from work to see the rose Paul gave me last night, sitting on my kitchen table. He's so good to me.

So why am I still feeling depressed? Do you ever just get into an unexplained funk? Do bad moments sometimes take an unreasonably high toll on your mood?

It was far from the worst day of my life! Maybe I should remember my advice to Two Drink Girl: Tomorrow will be better.


Blogger Kira said...

Some days I can handle anything life throws at me. Other days, a broken nail makes me want to jump off a bridge. It's a toss of the dice!

I think you're still sad because even though Paul sent you the gift to feel better...when you got home, you wanted him to be there too. Well, maybe I'm projecting here because of my situation with Alex...that's what I'd be still miserable about anyway.

I feel awful for your sister. Just...awful. Do they have any idea what is going wrong at that stage of the game????

9:03 PM

Blogger ... said...

Hormones...they can make a good day bad, a bad day good...we'd be better off without them!

But for now we just have to wait...because we now that tomorrow might not be better, but it will be different.

9:15 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Hell, WW, I stay in an unexplainable funk. I'm so sorry about your sister. The exact same thing happened to my daughter last year.
That Paul, what a guy. I can pick them can't I?
And you still have someone in KY that loves you.

9:22 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

You ain't anywhere near as bad off as Two Drink Girl, young lady. Keep smiling, I said.

11:16 AM


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