Pondering the complexities of life.

Sunday, May 7


Paul came over yesterday and did odd jobs around the house. I hope he doesn't think that I expect him to be my unpaid handyman. I didn't ask him to do anything; he just did.

Maybe it makes me sound sexist, but I really like having a boyfriend who's handy at fixing things. In addition, he keeps an immaculate house (a neat STRAIGHT guy!), he's a great cook and he possesses several other highly valuable skills.

How did I get this lucky???


Blogger Kira said...

You got that lucky because you deserve the best!

11:48 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Could it be that you have both got lucky?

10:32 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

Because you deserve it my friend. so does he.

10:34 AM

Blogger kenju said...

By being the sweet, smart, cute gal that you are!

4:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's gay he just doesn't know it yet

5:12 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

You gotta stop thinking like this, missy. The question is: How did HE get so lucky?

5:58 PM


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