Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, April 12

Cruise Friends

Thanks to my friend, Tom, who reminded me that Monday was my blogger anniversary! I began this blog on April 10, 2005. And soon I'll be meeting a number of you face-to-face in Vegas, baby! It's hard to believe!


Blogger WordWhiz said...

Which one is the straight guy?

10:52 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

The one standing next to you?

8:14 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I don't know. All of these people look like fruits to me. Heh heh.

2:12 PM

Blogger kenju said...

They do look like fun, and a few of them have look'alikes here in Raleigh...LOL.

4:28 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Black shirt on the end...see the wedding band?

10:55 PM

Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

So exciting! Vegas here you come!

11:41 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Happy blogiversary WW, there are lots of us about 1 year old out in blogland.
Happy Easter too.

11:26 AM

Blogger Monique said...

Looks like you guys had a great dinner!!

1:54 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

That lady next to you looks like Lucille Ball.

I think my one-year anniversary is around now. I'll have to check some time.

Hope we unfortunate ones get to at least hear what happened in Vegas.

6:30 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Late last night or early this morning I swear there was new post written by my good friend, WW. It said she had not died but had been very busy with an Easter Cantata and her oldest son was home on a short leave. She said she missed us. I commented that I missed her, too.
Now, I can find no such post. Was I dreaming or have I lost what's left of my mind? lol.

9:38 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

It was an email, BF. Not a post!!

11:48 PM


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