Pondering the complexities of life.

Tuesday, April 11

Friends of Dorothy

Ever been on a cruise and noticed a meeting on the daily event schedule for the "Friends of Dorothy"? This is the code name given to gay and lesbian travelers. On my cruise in January, Karen and I met a large contingent of Dorothy's friends. We overheard a few of them speaking on deck one morning and realized they lived in our area. We struck up a conversation and were soon chatting with a whole group of guys from New England, comparing favorite locations and discovering common friends and acquaintances. We even attended one of their private parties, by invitation.

Since Karen became involved in a romance on board, I found hanging with the gay guys was fabulous! They danced!! They sang karaoke! They told really funny jokes and stories! And they never tired to hit on me! When hanging with the gay guys, other guys left me alone. Either they assumed I was another of Dorothy's friends or they assumed I already had too many male suitors.

Paul wasn't altogether comfortable with my new group of male friends, but I couldn’t have been in safer company. And what fun they were!

Karen and I are meeting for dinner tonight at local restaurant. I casually emailed one of our cruise friends who gathered a group of NINE "Friends" to join us. Wow…this should be fun!


Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I can see it coming:

Whizzer goes gay.

Paul goes nuts.

Hoss gently picks up the pieces.

7:44 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

You'd do that for me, Hoss? Awww...you're so sweet. Actually, there was one straight, married couple, Karen and I, and two gay couples and we had fun remembering the cruise in January. They're a great group.

9:44 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Wow, there's a lot of friends of Dorothy in your area! Sounds like it could be a blast to hang out with them again. You guys should plan cruises together more often ;)

10:05 AM

Blogger Peter said...

Hope you haven't uncovered a chink in Pauls armor WW.

10:43 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

A friend is a friend. Right, friend?

11:00 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I've heard some gay men prefer the company of heterosexual women. "I don't want anything from them and they don't want anything from me," I've heard it said. Puts sexual tensions at ease, I guess.

2:55 PM

Blogger kenju said...

In the florist business, I come into contact ALL the time with gay males. They are wonderful company; usually funny and upbeat and generally great to be around. They make better friend than women, since they are not jealous of you!

3:37 PM

Blogger Monique said...

That's terrific that you made new friends on the cruise! I'm sure your dinner was a blast!

5:38 PM

Blogger M said...

That's cool. I think I've heard of the "Friends of Dorothy" thing, but didn't put it together ('cause I'm straight (but, I try! I really try! I just don't think girls like me at all). I was always just like, "Who the hell is Dorothy???"

12:00 AM

Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Gay guys definately make the BEST friends! All the fun of a girl friend with usually no drama! :)

11:42 PM


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