Pondering the complexities of life.

Thursday, March 30

My son, the soldier

My oldest son, age 20, is serving in the military. He's stationed state-side.

Back in high school, he dated the sister of his closest friend for nearly a year. She dumped him early in his senior year, leaving him hurt and bitter. Whenever he came home on leave, he studiously avoided her, quite the feat given the fact he was still friends with her brother.

A year ago this past September, his efforts to avoid her failed. She'd been keeping up with his life through her brother and apparently had decided that this guy she'd tossed aside was now an attractive catch. (Something about a guy in uniform.) She showed up at the house while he was home on leave and they spent a few days hanging out together. Then they started writing and calling. By Christmas of that year, barely three months after they'd reunited and without being in the same state during all that time, they were engaged. She was 17 and still in high school. He was 19. Neither of them even had a driver's license.

My reaction to the situation has gone through various stages over the past year and a half. Initially I smiled and ignored it, figuring it was too crazy and impulsive to last and it would just go away on its own. It didn't. I tried reasoning with my son. He listened politely and claimed to agree with most of my points, but she wanted to get married and he would dutifully go along. The same personality trait that made him a good son and a good soldier was now leading him to the altar!

Certain that for her, it was a romantic fantasy about a fancy wedding to a man in uniform, I insisted they provide me with a budget, to prove they'd considered how they would live AFTER the wedding day. They did…but seeing in black-and-white that their expenses would exceed their income by nearly $15,000/year didn't seem to matter to them. "We're in love. It will all work out." There is no fighting fantasy with logic.

As the May date approached, I finally gave up the fight and accepted my postion as mother-of-the-groom. A month or so ago, #1-Son called to say they had to push back the wedding date to June. The original date conflicted with some required army training he'd been scheduled to take. They settled on June 3 and sent out "Save-the-Date" notes to family and friends.

#1-Son, called last night to tell me he and "S" were once again changing their wedding date. I got down the calendar and inquired as to the new date.

"We haven't decided exactly," he said. "Probably April of next year."

It seems their out-of-control spending of what they viewed as my son's bottomless bank account finally caught up with them and they realized that they really can't afford to get married right now. (Where have I heard this before??)

He also said that his fiance had always wanted to be a "spring bride" and the June date had ruined that fantasy. Waiting until next year would allow her to marry in the season of her choice. (It's all about the day!)

Did you just hear that big sigh of relief??


Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I think ONE MORE putoff will just about do it....

3:50 PM

Blogger LZ Blogger said...

Yes I did. But these things seems to always work out as they were planned! (It just might not be OUR plan)! ~ jb///

10:15 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Hi WW, I'm inclined to think Hoss might have it figured right, (now why doesn't that surprise me either?)
I guess all you can do is go with the flow and hope that sanity, (in whatever form it may take) prevails.

3:28 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I'm in agreement with Hoss and Peter.

9:55 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Here's hoping you're ALL right!!!

2:16 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Look at all us old men giving our two cents worth, but...

There are people who want to get married but aren't interested in marriage. There are people who want to have a wedding, but aren't all that excited about being wed.

If I was your soldier son I'd listen to Hoss...and be the one to do the putting off. Then I'd remember that there are more roses on the bush.

Good luck to him. To them, both.

4:40 PM

Blogger Ralph said...

I heard the sigh

5:51 PM

Blogger ... said...

Hoss is always right...how does he do that?

8:35 PM

Blogger kenju said...

I am sighing in relief right along with you! And Hoss may be right; I have seen it happen in my business.

5:09 PM

Blogger Kira said...


Plenty of time for it to not happen, then! I'd have a nervous breakdown about my son in the same situation.

6:20 PM


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