Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, April 5

FOR WOMEN ONLY (I mean it!!)

I'm doing another public service announcement for women readers only. If you're a guy and you keep reading, you'll regret it! I warned you.

Several months ago, I mentioned that I was investigating other birth control options in light of warnings that had been publicized in connection with the patch. Like a lot of women, I considered the patch to be an ideal solution to address the issue of birth control. Unlike the pill, it was easy to remember. Unlike the shots, it didn't cause me to swell up and look like I was several months pregnant. There was no surgery involved. It made my boobs bigger!!

After discussing options with my health care provider, I opted for the 5-year Minera IUD. It was inserted on January 11. Product information outlined the possible side-effects and indicated that these generally disappeared after the first three months.

I'm seeing the doctor on Friday morning at 8:30 to have the damn thing removed. I can't take it anymore. My period started on March 26 and it's still going. It's light, but still requires the use of sanitary products. My cycle never used to last more than 5-6 days. This is day ELEVEN!!! It's annoying, potentially embarrassing and expensive! I'm sick to death of it. I'll see what they recommend, but I'm very tempted to just take my chances with the patch. From my perspective it was a problem-free solution! This solution sucks!!

If it was not bad enough to be bleeding for two weeks out of the month, I also have spotting following any sexual activity. I did some checking at various internet sites dealing with female health issues and discovered that bleeding following orgasm is a common problem, although this side effect was mentioned NOWHERE in the materials provided to me. I'm beginning to wonder if the principal behind this birth control method is to make it nearly impossible to engage in activities which could lead to conception!

I gave it three months. Each month my cycle lasted longer than the one previous. When I reached 10 days yesterday, I'd had enough. I refuse to tolerate menstruating for half of every month!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hear cigarettes are the best birth control...

5:42 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Good for you, Whizzer. How about this: If you don't screw around, you won't need those things.

(So you go crazy. Who cares?...oh...you do....well, then...have you ever heard of a thing called vasectomy....Ho ho, Paul....your turn at the plate.)

7:34 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Het, thanks for the info! I ended up deciding to stay on the patch. My doctor said there is increased risk of blood clots, but they aren't advising people to discontinue. Instead, he recommended taking a children's strength aspirin daily to counteract the risk. It wasn't until after I left the office that I realized if I have to remember to take an aspirin every day, I might as well be on the pill! But at least I won't get pregnant if I forget an aspirin, LOL.

8:57 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Oops, I meant "hey," not "het." That wasn't a typo. I wasn't calling you some weird name! :)

8:58 PM

Blogger Monique said...

I meant that WAS a typo. I should just stop typing now. Sheesh. :)

8:59 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

I told you that thing looked like a medieval torture device.
I was going to say something similar to Hoss.

And yeah, I was warned but had to read it anyway. It wasn't as bad as the last one.

10:56 AM

Blogger ... said...

Not to upset you, but I had my period for a month straight once and it was because I had a cyst. Might want to check that out too, it might have nothing to do with your wacky bc.

I say put your birtch control somewhere obvious, like taped to your bathroom mirror, so that you remember to take it...

2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're studying the female reporductive system and pregnancy in nursing school right now. Interestign stuff. And no, none of the guys in the class have fainted yet.

6:48 PM


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