Pondering the complexities of life.

Friday, April 7

Few things are less useful than a 46-year-old uterus

The doctor talked me into giving it a little more time before insisting that they rip the torture device from my body. She insisted that these "little annoyances" generally disappear after three months and nearly always disappear after six months. She told me she wouldn't put me back on the patch because it was too risky for someone of my advanced age. (The word "advanced" being my own editorial addition. She was tactful enough to leave off the obvious adjective!)

I told her I'd give it two to three months. If things remained the same, I wanted the thing OUT! She told me that my iron levels were fine and that I wasn't loosing enough blood for it to be a health hazard. Who cares!? Whatever their tests may indicate, I know for a fact that enduring a two week period every month WOULD kill me!!

There were no apparent problems or infections and the pregnancy test was negative. (No kidding!! Didn't I just tell you I've been experiencing the endless period??)

A woman's reproductive system should automatically shut down at age 45. She shouldn't even be considering having a baby at that age! If I get to fill out a customer survey upon reaching heaven, that will be my suggestion!! That, and the elimination of fleas and ticks. They are even more useless than a 46-year-old woman's uterus!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only the uterus could, I don't know, hang down like the scrotum maybe, so you could just tie it off when you were done with it.

Is that too weird an image to post publicly?

6:46 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

misterniceguy1960: yes.

WW, Can you imagine if you were pregnant? Gives me the chill to think about it. I joke with CK about it every month. "Maybe you're pregnant." She promises to kill me if it happens. lol.

I'd still have the torture device removed. I hear good things about the rhythm method.

7:32 PM

Blogger Kira said...

I believe the uterus should have an on/off switch. I don't care what the age...if ya don't want it or need it, it's worthless.

8:29 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Oh, and as a person raised catholic, let me say that the part about the rhythm method that sucks is that you are not to have sex during the time within the time of the month that YOU ARE THE MOST HORNY!!!!! Sucks.

8:31 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

misterniceguy1960: I am in agreement with bornfool...who is clearly no fool.

Bornfool: Like CK, I would NOT find the condition the slightest bit amusing!! Yeah, Rhythm method...poor CK. I hope your coworkers treat her well after she kills you.

Kira: If you find that switch, tell me where it is!

9:42 PM

Blogger mcgibfried said...

i'd hate to think myself the lord's customer..

that's what popped into my head as i read that last line.

but i agree.. the uterus should be surrendered at birth, given back at age 25, and then surrendered once again at age 35.
MCG's will be done!

10:23 PM

Blogger kenju said...

Tell Kira that we used to have a Catholic neighbor who had 6 kids. She referred to them as her "rhythm babies"! LOL

12:11 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Are we men allowed to read now? My wife spoke of someone who just had a baby at the "advanced" age of 49. So you never know with uteruses. Or is it uteri?

11:23 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Big Dave: 49?? That's just wrong!! When the child is 20, she'll be 69! My parents both died in their early to mid-70s. Had they been 49 when I was born, I'd have only been in my 20s. They'd have never seen their grandchildren.

Kenju: I hear ya!!

McG: Perhaps "customer survey" was a poor choice of analogy!

12:21 PM


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