Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, April 24

Six Weird Things About Whizzer

Two of my blogger friends, Paul and Born Fool, have recently posted this "6 Weird Things About Me" meme. As I've been known to do in the past, I have blatantly stolen the ideas of those superior bloggers for this post! Here are six weird things about WordWhiz.


  1. OBSESSIONS, PART 1: Cruising. As many of you know, I’m absolutely obsessed with cruising. It is my favorite way to vacation. I guess it’s not entirely a “weird” thing; I know lots of people are hooked on cruising. I have been on four cruises in the past four years and I already have my next trip booked for January of 2007.

  2. OBSESSIONS, PART 2: Disco. Yeah, I guess I’m showing my age, but I just LOVE that 70s music. It doesn’t have to be disco, but it has to have a dance beat! Paul and I attended an oldies dance on Friday night. It was sponsored by a radio station specializing in 60s and 70s music. We had a BLAST. We sat with some other weird old people and, while we didn’t quite start dancing on the tables, a few of us were up dancing on the chairs! We’re planning to go again next month!

  3. AFFILIATION (or lack thereof): I’m very difficult to categorize into any particular group. I’m a registered republican, but I probably vote democrat more often than republican. I’m firmly in favor of gun control, environmental protection and gay rights. On the other hand, I’m firmly in favor of welfare reform, the pledge of allegiance and protecting a student’s right to pray so long as he is not forcing his beliefs on others. I believe the separation of church and state was designed to keep government from dictating the religious beliefs of its citizens, not to stifle its people’s beliefs. I attend church weekly; consider myself a Christian and my only fear about dying is leaving my children without a mother. On the other hand, I am offended by those who witness to others in what I would describe as an aggressively enthusiastic manner. I don’t believe those who are loyal to other beliefs are necessarily doomed to hell. I believe the Bible was written by men about God, not by God through the hand of men.

  4. EMOTIONAL: I am highly emotional. I cry at movies…not just sad movies. Ever seen Tim Allen in “Santa Clause”? Remember when the ex-wife takes legal action to prevent him from having any contact with his son, leaving the boy heartbroken? The movie is a comedy, but the scene made me cry. I also cry at country songs. Years ago I bought a copy of the song “Butterfly Kisses” and listened to it over and over until I could hear it without crying. It was popular and frequently heard in public places, which could be embarrassing for someone like me. I love without reservation and with nearly unshakable loyalty. I can be enthusiastic to the point of near frenzy. When heartbroken, my pain is palatable and intense.

  5. ASSOCIATION: My sister, a former zookeeper, is 38 and recently married a man who is 22. He adopted her child, who was fathered by a wealthy man she met through internet dating. She left him, moving from Florida to Alaska, to live with another man, who she barely knew. Soon after discovering the Alaskan man was a heavy drinker and not a very nice drunk, she moved out of his house and discovered she was pregnant. Had the Alaskan been the father, she would not have kept the child. She moved back to Florida and back in with the baby’s father, but left again shortly before the baby came. She was upset that he was dating someone else while she was pregnant and living there in his home. The stuff of soap operas? Oh yes. But my nephew is just about the cutest kid you’ve ever seen!! No lie! And my sister, for all her eccentricities, is one of my favorite people in the world.

  6. GENDER: Despite being female, I’m not enchanted with buying or owning shoes. I also don’t care much about jewelry. Most of what I wear was purchased at the little stores in the mall where you can also have your ears pierced. With the exception of the ring I bought in Mexico a year ago, I could lose any piece of jewelry I’ve ever purchased for myself, and not be out more than $2. Except my watch. I paid $6.98 for that at Wal-Mart.




Blogger bornfool said...

How come all your weird things make you sound stable, normal, and well-adjusted? Well the shoe thing and the jewelry thing are kind of weird.

How about:
Packs weeks in advance of a trip.
Organizes and plans things ahead of time, way ahead of time.

I could write more but I wouldn't want to embarrass you. lol.

9:44 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Nah...you won't embarrass me! Yeah, I do pack WAY ahead of time. I packed over the weekend for Vegas! I'm ready to go! I've booked next year's cruise already.

Wow...I really am weird, huh?

11:14 AM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

You're so normal you're strange. Or is it the other way around? ;)

12:24 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Hey, your sister makes me feel better about the fact that my fiance is nine years younger than me...haha!

Where the hell ARE we eating for dinner? Hoss said sushi since you loved it so much.

1:12 PM

Blogger Paige said...

Damn, working on it CheeseWhiz! Everyone wants a credit card number.

8:52 PM

Blogger Monique said...

I'm with you the cruising obsession! But that's not weird. No, definitely NOT weird. :)

11:07 PM


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