Pondering the complexities of life.

Tuesday, April 18

I haven't died

I was singing in an Easter show Friday through Sunday. Dress rehearsal was Thursday night. My son was home from the army on a brief leave, arriving around 1AM Friday morning/Thursday night and leaving on Sunday afternoon. I've just been straight out for a week and haven't had time to post or visit. As it is, I'm posting this at midnight and I'm TIRED!!

I'll try to get around soon. I miss you guys!


Blogger bornfool said...

Missed you, too.

1:19 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

SOME people have the good grace to announce in advance when they are not going to be posting so we won't be wasting our time looking, but, no, not Whizzer, because she thinks she's going to post and then doesn't and everybody gets mad, including her, and it all goes to pot, shit. (I coulda made that sentence longer, but decided that was a good place to stop.)

2:43 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...


6:05 PM


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