Pondering the complexities of life.

Sunday, April 23


Mine are clearly weather-related. I can predict changes in the weather better than the weatherman. Fronts drop the barometric pressure outside and send the pressure inside my sinuses soaring. Usually I can keep it to a tolerable level by taking Advil and decongestant. Sometimes, nothing works. Then I have be very still in a dark and quiet place until it passes... or I vomit.

Anyone else get 'em? What do you do??


Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Yes, and mine are allergy induced. So when we have windy days, like today, I must take two Advil and a Clarinex to keep it at bay and if all else fails I lay in a lukewarm bath with a cool washcloth over my face...

6:19 PM

Blogger mcgibfried said...

not quite migrains.. but i get hella sick when the oak pollen comes out.

i generally just tought it out.. or use some flonase.. that tends to keep it at bay

11:32 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Paul's brother died from a brain anneurism (SP??) after suffering migraines. Paul is insisting I have a complete physical when we return from Vegas. I had a cat-scan several years ago and the doctor said my sinus passages are very narrow and don't allow my sinuses to drain when the pressure outside falls, causing the pressure to build up in my sinuses and make me want to gouge my eyes out.

11:43 PM

Blogger Kira said...

My migraines seem to be hormonal related. One type of pill I was on made me have a migraine once a month like clockwork. My pregnancy with my son gave me numerous headaches which occasionally reached a migraine status.

Mine make me vomit too. So does my daughter's...sigh. Nothing sadder than an eight year old with a migraine. She's had two so far in her young life. They run strong in my family. My mother and sister get the aural type (where you see spots and odd stuff), and my dad and I get the more classic form: smell sensitivity, sound sensitivity, touch sensitivity, and lots o' pain. For me, I take Tylenol PM. It does NOTHING for the pain, but it allows me to sleep through the migraine. Then when I wake up, all that's left is the migraine hangover. I don't know if others get that feeling, but right after my migraine passes, I'm functional and all but I feel the "echo" of the incident sort of wander about my head.

7:31 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I've suffered from migraines in the past, not too much anymore. I think what you need is a few days in a dry warm climate. :)

9:14 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Whizzer: Get a supply of oxygen. Won't cure them, but it will make the pain last only about half as long. I don't know any cure...Sorry.

2:47 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Two out of three of my kids get them too, though very rarely. Theirs are also connected to the weather. Thanks!!

3:43 PM


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