Pondering the complexities of life.

Tuesday, April 25


My daughter passed her driving test today. She got 100% of the answers correct on the written test. She claims to have done a horrible job parking during the behind-the-wheel portion of the test, but they passed her nonetheless.

New driver on the road. You all be careful out there!!


Blogger Big Dave T said...

HEA! Those look like the set of keys I lost.

My oldest son did a terrible job in the parking test too. In fact, he scored enough demerits for them to cancel the rest of the test right then and there.

Before my youngest son took his driver's test, I made sure he practiced parking! I wasn't going to pay for two exams. However, they found a nail in our car's tire and I ended up re-scheduling (and paying again too).

8:06 PM

Blogger Ontario Emperor said...

My daughter is still 14, so I have to rely on memories of MY driving test. The only thing I remember is getting to an intersection, asking the instructor which way to go, and the instructor replying "Look." Most of the options were dead ends. But I didn't kill anybody.

8:18 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

We practiced parking, but she says, under stress, it was much more difficult. Also, we practiced with a car on one side, giving her a point of reference for getting centered in the space. He had her park in a wide open lot, just between two lines. I suppose that's safer, but it's harder to see whether or not you're between the lines.

I took my test in New Jersey. At least at that time (back in the OLD days), they had a course set up for the driving test. We were never on real streets and the parallel parking was between cones with flags. My first attempt left me over a foot from the curb, but I didn't hit the cones. He told me to pull out and try again. My second attempt put me within 6"-8" of the curb and I passed. Had I hit a cone, I'd have immediately failed. Now they only have to back into a space - no parallel parking!!

OE: The instructor apparently still doesn't talk much. My daughter tried to engage him in conversation, hoping that friendly chatter would ease her nerves. He was not a talker. In fact, at one point he told her to pull up and stop at a telephone pole. She did. He said nothing. She asked, "Is this where you want me to do the three point turn?" "Yes." Did he expect her to read his mind?? I suppose I'd get a big loopy giving driving tests to kids all day long too!

9:16 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Watch out, RI. C. is mobile!

8:49 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Just keep her in Connecticut, and all will be well (in Oregon).

2:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

she'll kill a car soon, natures law, or at least break the driver seat button

4:21 PM

Blogger Monique said...

I'm in Florida -- far enough away to have nothing to worry about -- except all the other newly licensed drivers around here... and some elderly drivers who really have no business behind the wheel any more.

Congrats to your daughter!

12:24 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Monique: I lived in Florida for a while. You're right! The elderly drivers are much more frightening!!

6:31 AM


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