Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, May 3

BloggerCon Vegas, 2006

At the risk of sounding like all the other bloggers who visited Vegas this weekend, it was fabulous! My friends all know how much I love photos. Here are some to commemorate the big event!

I've heard it said that the Vegas strip is like EPCOT for adults.
I can tell you that it is breath-taking both day and night.

I enjoyed meeting blogger friends of all ages...

and introducing them to Paul.

I even wore my Blog Ho shirt, to make me easier to find!

It's much later than I intended to stay awake this evening.

Good night!


Blogger WordWhiz said...

A big thanks to Paige for acting as tour guide and giving great advice! Thanks to Gene for a lovely lunch! Thanks to Vicki for making it possible for Hoss to attend. Thanks to Tom for hanging out with us. Sorry about your blisters! Thanks to EVERYONE who attended for being there. It was really fun!! I can't believe we actually pulled this thing off!!

12:03 AM

Blogger Paige said...

Cheese Whiz, for you, anytime! I want to hear how you like Mystere though!

12:50 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Man, I love that picture of Dane! I think Andy's right: if he hadn't let me have access to his son right away, I'd have taken him and run :) haha! I'm SO glad we all went. It's been really cool looking at some pictures of what you guys saw in the day that we saw at night or vice versa. I'd say "let's all do this again," but what I mean to say is "let's all do this again...in France...next summer for our wedding!" woohoo! Tell Paul he was a good sport about the teasing and having the ring thrust in his face...haha!

7:35 AM

Blogger Peter said...

Good photos WW, sounds like you all enjoyed Vegas.

10:22 AM

Blogger A* said...


I am so sad that I missed it. :(

You look FAB-U-LOUS WW!!

11:04 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

And a great time was had by all!

11:53 AM

Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

Glad you had a great time!! And you had great weather while you were here. Sorry we couldn't get together but I'm sure you'll come again!

11:33 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

*sigh* Wish I could have talked the missus into going. Never been to Las Vegas, but it looked like it was loads of fun. How could it not be, right?

4:13 PM


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