Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, May 17

Summer Rerun

This repeated post originally appeared on April 13, 2005. Welcome to the summer reruns!

Wine Glasses
I had a glass of wine after work today. Okay, two glasses of wine...sheesh, you’re picky!. When I was washing the dishes, I remembered how I came to own my wine glasses.

A couple years ago, I invited a bunch of girls from work over for a "chick night" at my house. We rented videos featuring hunky actors we liked, ate junk food and drank. A “chick night” is much like a “guys’ night” minus the sporting event.

I have this one friend who is a little on the high-brow side. (A single woman who owns two BMWs – a convertible for the summer and an SUV for the winter.) She had brought a bottle of and asked me where I kept my wine glasses. I had to admit that I didn't own any wine glasses. She looked at the plastic party cups I'd bought for my little gathering and said, with notable disgust, "I guess we can drink wine out of plastic cups like white trash."

White trash?? EGADS!

A few weeks later, I happened to be at the dollar store and - EUREKA - they had wine glasses! I bought some for a buck a piece! I feel so classy drinking wine out of stemware! No one needs to know that I bought them at the dollar store. Of course, I have this problem with being TOO HONEST, so naturally I tell everyone where I got them. I really need to work on that.


Blogger Kira said...

Yay for the dollar store! That's where I bought some for Alex's place. Can't beat the price, and nobody can tell the difference (unless they're looking for Riedel glasses or something! you DID say she was a snob...).

I admit that drinking anything out of glass makes it taste better. I prefer my cokes out of the little glass bottles too.

Oh...and....um...I'm embarrassed now after reading this post, but...Amanda got a set of four glasses from me after I was at her house and she had no wine glasses to be found *hangs head in shame* hehe Although I did NOT tell her that we were being white trash for drinking out of a non-wine glass! I just had this unsettled feeling of something being out of order is all :)

10:55 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Clearly you're more sophistocated than I am, Kira. I don't even know what "Riedel" glasses are!!!

6:51 AM

Blogger Peter said...

I needed some wine glasses recently too and was lucky enough to find some really nice ones in a
St Vincent De Paul shop, also $1 each but would have been MUCH dearer if from the glass shop.

8:52 AM

Blogger Kira said...

I wanted to get you the Target scaled down riedel glasses, Amanda...they're half the price of the upscale ones, and just about as good. It's a special line they do only for Target. Instead, I got you ones to tide you over until I can AFFORD the low model riedels :)

I am one of those sad people who is really into wine. Riedel glasses, Mandy, are the rolls royce of wine glasses. There is a type of glass for just about every style of wine out there. So, they make Bordeaux glasses for wines from the Bordeaux region of France...Burgundy glasses...glasses for port...glasses for OTHER dessert wines like Sauternes....glasses for sauvignon blanc...etc. Now, this seems really silly until one understands that it can actually make a sight difference in taste for the positive to drink it out of the right shaped glass! Some wines need more oxygen and some need less...like champagne glasses. Those typical huge round saucer glasses people use are stupid to use with a bubbly. You lose bubbles faster. You need minimal contact with the bubbles to oxygen to keep it tasting good for the whole time you are drinking it...hence why champagne flutes (the long thin ones) are much better. The type of glass one drinks the wine out of CAN and DOES make a difference; hence, rich wine drinkers (and I mean RICH...each stem of riedel is like $20 or so apiece, so a set of four slams you back $80 OR MORE) prefer riedels, and they have a set for every type of wine that they usually like to drink. That would not be me because I can't afford that. I haven't even gotten the low scale Riedels for ME yet, honestly! $10 a stem is still a lot (although once in a while Target has them on sale for cheaper! woohoo!).

Can we tell that wine drinking has become my big pet project over the last two years???? I'm sorry! I'll shut up now. Mandy, you'll still come out and play with me even if I sound like a wine snob, won't you? I'll give you some great french red wines if you do! haha!

9:20 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

"Oh, and did you notice, the wine is 'screw-top'? A friendly little thing, don't you think?"

1:24 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Holy crap...there are different glasses for different kinds of wine?? They only stock one kind at the dollar store, so I'm in big trouble!! Maybe I'm not white trash, but I'm not a Kira-level wine snob either!! I stopped at my local store the other day and they had me taste some stuff. I told them I wasn't buying anything that was more than $10 a bottle. I can find some wines I really like for that price!! (Of course, what do I know. Not much, as I've clearly shown!!)

No screw tops...but some of them do have those plastic corks. Does that scream CHEAP WINE?? I don't drink it out of the bottle, stuffed inside a paper bag!! Does that count??

7:02 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Oh, and Kira, I meant that "wine snob" comment in the most admiring and affectionate way possible!!

Love ya!!

7:03 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I just came from the dollar store. No kidding! Swung a deal for a plastic elephant watering can. Half off! Cause there was no fill hole for the water.

8:00 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Ok, since you meant it affectionately, I can discuss the cork/screw top issue now ;)

Synthetic corks have a lot of advantages over the regular corks. Therefore, even the finest of vineyards have considered using them, and some very nice wines have a synthetic cork. You won't find synthetic corks on French wine bottled FOR the French, typically...the French are all for tradition.

Screw tops are ALSO being discussed by major vineyards, but without much success. We just view them as too much like mad dog 20/20 to take them seriously. However, a month ago I tried a pinot noir that Hoss made (well, it was from Oregon)--good one, an $18 bottle--that HAD A SCREW TOP! Alex's Frenchness kicked in and he was repulsed. However, I have to say...the wine was pretty tasty :)

There ARE plenty of good wines for $10 or less. You just need to know what to find!

10:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to buy you a bottle of wine on a monday night

8:03 PM

Blogger mcgibfried said...

holy crap.. is this blog now sponsored by nbc???

9:11 PM

Blogger kenju said...

How incredibly tacky she was! Just proves that money doesn't buy class and tact.

11:58 PM


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