Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, May 15

Search Engines

Two Drink Girl said that the number one search landing folks on her site lately was "Wimpy Men". That made me curious. (I'm a woman...what did you expect??) So I checked my site meter. What search most often lands people here?

"Friends of Dorothy"

I know you were here Legsakimbo...even though you didn't leave a comment. It's time to stop hiding behind all that gay-bashing rhetoric and just be yourself. Don't worry, Ho...we already know your deep, dark secret and we love you anyway!


Since I am 100% out of anything even mildly interesting to blog about, I'm thinking of taking my friend Paul's advice and searching through my old posts for a something worth repeating. If you've been here a while, consider it a summer rerun...and try to ignore how frequently I have stolen ideas from my friend, Paul!


Blogger kenju said...

I check my stats each week and note what search terms brought people to me. I am surprised by some of them; nothing horrible, but odd combinations of words. Makes me wonder what they were really hoping to find!

11:52 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Summer reruns. I like that. Oh, I just did that.

10:02 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

"Friends of Dorothy"? That ain't even pornoistic. Poor baby.

12:03 PM


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