Pondering the complexities of life.

Friday, May 12

My Sergeant

My son is in training to become eligible for promotion to the rank of Sergeant. I haven't been able to speak to him since right after he returned to his base from leave on Easter Sunday. He called tonight from the base where his training is taking place. He's in the home stretch. Graduation is on Thursday. He said it's been just like basic training, only rather than being called "Private" or "Turd" or "Maggot", they call them "Sergeant".

He sounded awful - tired and sick. He's fighting a cold and sleep deprivation. I told him to drink lots of fluids and get some extra sleep. He told he he was on guard duty at 2AM. He's had guard duty in the middle of the night all week.

Poor kid. Those army officers just don't take care of a guy like Mom!!


Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Maybe after Thursday you can get your hands on him, make him all well. Hope so.

1:13 PM


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