Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, May 13

Ain't He Purty?

I hung this photo on my bedroom wall today. I hope Paul isn't too jealous!


Blogger kenju said...

If Paul isn't , I am. Great photo of both of you!

5:48 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Two of my favorite people in the whole world!

12:18 AM

Blogger Kira said...

It IS a fantastic picture! And both the people in it are HAWT! :)

5:58 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

It's you! And Mr. Pretty!!

(I am SO glad the camera didn't catch me staring at your legs....)

1:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm jealous

5:40 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Awwwww, that is a great picture of you both. Now Hoss can watch over you as your sleep.

6:02 PM


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