Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, May 20

I love the nightlife, I've got to boogie

Paul and I went to another Oldies Dance last night. They are sponsored monthly by a local radio station. When we went last month, we were lucky enough to sit down at a table of really fun people. At the end of the evening, we all promised to be back for the next one and discussed grabbing the same table. A major traffic accident had Paul and I running late. I didn't think the group would all be there, nor did I think they'd save us space at the table. I was wrong. Only one person from last month's group failed to show. Next month it's on June 16 and we all plan to be there again! A couple of us had cameras last night, so we've got pictures to share!

I discovered the other day that Carnival has altered the itinerary of the cruise Paul and I have booked in January 2007. The ship will no longer stop in Aruba. I wondered if it had something to do with the controversy over the missing teen, but it is actually the result of high fuel costs. Aruba was the furthest island we were to visit. Now the ship will loop back after Barbados, hitting two islands on the return trip. Rather than four islands and two days at sea, we now have five islands and only one day at sea! Cruising out of San Juan, we'll be stopping at St. Thomas, Dominica, Barbados, St. Lucia and Antigua.


Blogger Kira said...

Wow! I didn't know that they would change an intinerary after they were accepting bookings for it. Although the new list of stops looks good, do they allow you to back out with a full refund if you are disappointed that there's no Aruba stop?

It's cool when you can meet new people like that. You seem to do that wherever you go! haha! I am glad that Paul likes to do the same types of activities you do. That makes it soooo much easier to go out and have a good time.

10:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you go on so many cruises??

10:59 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

You can get a full refund on a booked cruise up to 90 days prior to sailing, no matter what reason. All the cruise lines tell you that they can substitute stops due to weather or other issues and you accept that. No, I'm not particularly disappointed about Aruba. I lose one island and gain two! Paul wanted to know if they would be charging us more with the added port of call! I'm pretty excited about it. I was most interested in Barbados, just because I've always thought it looked beautiful, and Dominica, because I really want to go hiking in the rain forest. Aruba was not a big deal.

Yeah...I love meeting new people. I just got off the phone with someone I met on a cruise two and a half years ago!! Paul is a little shy around new people at first, but he warms up pretty quickly.

I LOVE cruising. I afford it partly by using a credit card that earns me points toward a cruise. I'm getting $400 off the cost of that cruise in January. I got $800 off the cost of the cruise I took with the kids.

I'm a bargain shopper! (As in dollar store wine glasses!)

1:10 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Gee, that girl at lower right looks a lot like Miss Cellania. Could it be? Nah....

1:45 PM

Blogger kenju said...

I loved Barbados - hope you do too!

6:36 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Hi WW, like Hoss said the girl in the photo does look a lot like Miss C.

2:32 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I love the way you are expanding Paul's horizons. You got hime to fly to Vegas and soon a cruise. Btw, tell him I said hi. Love ya both, mean it!

9:18 AM

Blogger ... said...

You get to go out and do some of the most fun stuff!

1:53 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

A cruise sounds like a lot of fun. But I'd have to fly from Michigan to one of the ports-of-call, and I don't like to fly. And now that I've seen Poseidon, I'm not too crazy about big boats either.

5:58 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Big Dave: Paul absolutely hates to fly. I wasn't sure he'd make it to Vegas. But he did far better than I expected. It's mostly the take-off and landing (and any strange sound the engines might make during flight) that upset him. I booked us on non-stop, direct flights. I will ONLY book us on NON-STOP, DIRECT flights.

We're staying away from that movie!!

11:00 PM


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