Pondering the complexities of life.

Friday, May 26

Cheap Date

I often joke that I'm a "cheap date" because it takes very few drinks before I begin to feel the effect. Halfway through the second cocktail and I'm already feeling the buzz. Part way through drink #3, I'm telling you things that I NEVER intended to say out loud. By the end of that third drink, I'm acting like an idiot, while I'm handing over my car keys!! That third drink can sometimes be embarrassing.

In Vegas, Paul and I went to a bar outside Harrah's. One time, in the middle of the afternoon, we stopped in to hear the live band. After a couple of drinks, I was feeling no pain, watching the woman at the next table (clearly also feeling no pain) dance on her own private dance floor. The band asked for some female volunteers. I didn't even wait to hear what I was volunteering for. I was in the moment. I grabbed my dancing friend and dragged her up on stage with me. (She thanked me later - said it was fun.) The group totaled about six volunteers, most of whom had to be coerced to the stage, unlike dancing queen and myself. The band introduced us one at a time, then played snippets of dance tunes to which we were expected to "shake our booties" for the crowd in the bar. Hey, no big deal! I like to dance. And after a few drinks, I don't generally concern myself with whether or not I'm making an ass of myself. I didn't win the contest, but I had a good time.

Soon after, back at the hotel, for reasons I don't quite remember, I launched into a lecture about why guys should NOT give little square jewelry boxes from expensive jewelry stores to their girlfriends on Valentine's Day. No more jewelry boxes! (Did I say that out loud??)

Paul and I have talked, albeit somewhat vaguely, about getting married. It was a tough subject to avoid when we went to Vegas. The wedding chapel comments were too numerous to count! But between the two of us, we have four kids who live at home at least part time. Three of those "kids" currently age 18, 21 and 22, will all be on their own in the next few years. Paul's kids will graduate from their graduate and undergraduate studies next spring. My daughter will be in college this fall. Right now, we'd need a home that would accommodate six people. However, that number will be cut in half over the next few years. It doesn't make sense for us to buy a huge house. Therefore...we wait.

A couple nights ago, I was feeling down (remember?) and had a few glasses of wine after work. (Uh oh...) Paul and I were on the phone and I once again found myself saying things out loud that were meant to stay locked inside my head! I told him that our kids would continue to live at home as long as we made it easy for them. If we arranged our plans according to their schedule, we'd be waiting for two to three years, minimum. He agreed. I told him I wasn't willing to wait that long. I told him these kids are adults who had spent their lives having us cater to their needs. They might find having to make adjustments to accommodate us inconvenient, but in the big picture of their young lives, it would amount to a blip on the radar screen. On the other hand, he and I are OLD. Who knows how much time we have left? We shouldn't be wasting it living 40 miles apart. I could give it a year, and after that...well...those kids were just going to have to realize that, for once, the world was not going to revolve around them. For once, they'd have to make a few compromises for the sake of their parents! (Did I say all that out loud??)

I did say all that out loud! Like I said, that third drink can cause me tremendous embarrassment! But at least he agreed with me.


Blogger kenju said...

If he agreed, then you have nothing to worry about! And you are NOT old! I am.

12:05 AM

Blogger ... said...

That's one thing I was kinda bumed about when you came to Vegas, is I never got to see you dance!

1:12 AM

Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

Sometimes things just need to be said. Our mouths need a little lubrication...
You did good.

8:01 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I have to agree with Kenju here. You're not old. She is. Just kidding! I don't think either of you are.

Your dilemma sounds somewhat familiar as I wonder how much longer our adult children are going to be hanging around. Part of the problem is that housing is so expensive these days while good-paying jobs are not.

11:27 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

DAVE: Add to that the fact that Paul spoils his kids (I guess I can't complain too much, since he spoils me too!), making it even MORE attractive to live with Dad. On the flip side, it really angers me the way the kids take advatage of him (you'd be amazed!) and if I had to witness it every day, I would never be able to hold my tongue. I'm honestly not sure how we'll deal with it. That is out biggest hurdle!

1:04 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

But it is true, Whizzer. Stick to it, Little Girl. And don't even think that you will be embarrassed about it. YOU have a life, too.

(And I never got to see you atop any pianos. Rats.)

2:55 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Hoss: Oh sure you have...you've got photos!

6:44 PM

Blogger Kira said...

...see, I would have danced with you! Why didn't you do that Saturday night? haha!

I am a firm believer in making sure one's other knows what is on your mind and what is important to you. Drinks or not, you let him know what was on your mind. NOW, and only now, can you discuss this in a way that might end up making you oh so much happier in the long run. It's a GOOD thing!

Just make sure you can get a backyard big enough so the older kids can throw up a tent. That way, when they complain that you guys are setting up a house in such a way that you never want to see them again, you can point to the backyard, smile sweetly, and tell them they are ALWAYS welcome to camp back there.

7:33 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

Those thoughts weren't meant to stay in your head. You just had to loosen up enough to say them.

2:33 PM


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