Pondering the complexities of life.

Friday, June 2

Shingles, Indians and Waterfront Property

I think I have shingles. No, not that kind.

Last weekend, I smeared acne medication on what I thought was a zit forming under my jaw on the right side. The next day, upon closer examination, I determined it was not a blemish, but more likely some sort of bug bite. I noticed some swelling in my lymph glands on that side and assumed it to be a reaction to the bug bite. I've been having a lot of muscle soreness in my right shoulder this week, for no apparent reason. I attributed it to age. Something always hurts these days! Last night, I noticed the "bug bite" was spreading and it looked scabby. Then I remembered having had shingles in the very same location about five or six years ago. I must be prone to shingles. This will be my third experience. The first outbreak, on my abdomen running just under my breast to the center of my back, was the worst. The nerve pain was severe enough to convince me to take prescription pain medication. This time it is annoying, but not severe. I think I will skip the doctor and wait for it to go away on its own, which is supposed to happen in 3-5 weeks.


It's Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.

Really! Here's the sign! I can't pronounce it either! People around here just call it by the name of the town: Webster Lake.

Paul and I like to go to a little lakefront bar/restaurant on Wednesday nights during the summer. The same radio station that hosts the Oldies Dances once a month hosts a happy hour party known as "Rock the Dock" there on Wednesdays. This week, Paul was talking about how nice it would be to live on that lake. I did a quick search on the internet today and found a nice piece of land for sale there - the ONLY piece of land for sale on Lake Chargogga... Webster Lake. We're talking about driving by to check it out this weekend, although I'm already getting cold feet. I get excited about fantasies like this initially, but then I quickly revert to practical mode. If we can't afford it, why look? Why set ourselves up for disappointment? Seems foolish.

But it really is a pretty lake...


Blogger ... said...

It'll be fun just to look, even if you can't afford it! Have fun, and don't let the shingles get you down!

11:11 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Hey...you can always dream! Reading about your description of shingles convinced me that I had them not too long ago.

11:01 AM

Blogger kenju said...

It's too bad you didn't go to the doc as soon as you realized it was shingles. They can give you some RX now that makes it less severe and it goes away quicker. I had it on my back and right side several years ago and it hurt so badly!

11:59 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Too bad you don't live near Vicki. She's got a swell lakefront property for sale. So it goes.

8:43 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Lakefront property in Michigan is totally outragous. Hope it's more reasonable there.

When you said you and Paul like to go that special place in the summer, I had to do a double take. I didn't realize you'd known Paul that long. And I can't check your archives to refresh my memory for some reason.

7:20 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Dreams don't cost a dime. It's fun to go look and dream together. I'd go see!

I was born and raised on a lake in Tampa, Florida (Lake Carroll). I have tons of fond memories of swimming in that lake, sitting on the dock at sunrise, or boating about the place. One day, I'd love to live on a lake again! There's something that recharges the soul about being that close to water.

10:54 AM

Blogger Peter said...

Dreams are fun WW, go check it out.

10:55 AM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Please be careful about those Shingles. They can be worse than we think. Stress has something to do with them. My brother...

We had a fire over in Pancake Flats this weekend. I put the story up this evening (Sun).

7:13 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

TDG: Shingles on my torso was FAR worse. If this really is shingles - I'm not 100% sure - it's not nearly so bad on the neck.

Poopie: I usually try to limit my dreams to things which are at least semi-achievable.

Kenju: The first time I got them, I went to the doctor even before the rash emerged. The itchy and severe pain on half my body was bizarre but intolerable. The medicine kept the rash from ever taking hold. I got a few red spots, but no full-blown rash.

Hoss: I woudln't mind living near Vicki for LOTS of reasons!

Big Dave: Paul and I met on August 11. This coming August will be our one year anniversary.

Kira: The property turned out to be across the street from the lake, not ON the late. The "deeded beach access" or whatever they called it, turned out to be just a common path to the lake with a common dock, an asset shared by the residences in the small neighborhood. And Big Dave, that's why the land, while expensive, was not as high as it should have been had it actually been waterFRONT!

Paul: I will check out your fireman story right away!!

TO ALL: To be honest, the "dream" for me has nothing to do with the lake. For Paul, the lake would serve as a substitute for the ocean. An ocean front house is what he'd really like. He had a beach house - probably worth over $3/4 million at this point - which he lost in the divorce. I couldn't care less about lake front, ocean front, beach front property. To me, it was all about seeing a light at the end of this long-distance tunnel.

7:59 PM


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