Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, May 27


I got bored with my template and decided to make a change. I should have paid better attention to that warning about losing the customization!! I lost my links! I'm trying to rebuild. Please leave me a comment so I can grab your blogsite and re-link.

Sorry...I should learn to just leave well enough alone!!!


Blogger ... said...

Looks like you got me already! but the website where I got my template has a lot of fun ones! You should check them out..just click on the link that says "Caz" on my sidebar!

11:45 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Dang..sucks to be you. About that marriage thing, is it what you both want? If so, the kids will deal. Good luck :)

1:44 AM

Blogger kenju said...

I'm glad you told us. I have been thinking about changing my template too - and I will make sure to do it before I put any links on the blog.

1:58 AM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

This won't help, since I am there already. But good luck, Whizzer.

And what the heck, a new start can't be all bad, can it?

4:21 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Looks good. I'm with Kenju: Thanks for the warning. I'm thinking of a makeover over my own blog.

4:35 PM

Blogger Buffy said...

I'm always afraid I'm going to log on one day and everything's going to be gone.


2:24 PM


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