Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, May 29

We're all getting older...

I took Paul out to dinner last night to celebrate his birthday. Returning to his house afterward, we found the kids hosting a volleyball party in the backyard. Paul and I went inside to watch TV. We were flipping channels when we passed this old woman holding a brightly-colored dildo while matter-of-factly describing the proper method of stimulating the represented organ.

What the ???

Paul said that someone at his work had recently mentioned having had a similar experience while channel surfing. We stopped. We watched. It was uniquely entertaining in a bizarre and somewhat shocking kind of way. Here was this gray haired, spectacled woman, looking for all the world like someone's grandmother, dispensing advice concerning group sex, genital rashes and the ten most popular sex toys. She enthusiastically endorsed an oscillating vibrator, which included audio featuring a deep male voice uttering flattering encouragement to the user. When she called it her favorite and voiced her intent to take it home with her, the visual image was a bit more than I could take!

Whenever we heard one of the kids come in the house, Paul would reduce the volume. What in the world would they think we were watching??

As it turns out, they were all familiar with "Sex Talk with Sue". Even my daughter, who just turned 18 and spends most of her time hanging out with her church friends, knew about the show. Apparently, all the kids think the show is hysterical.

That's what happens when you get into your late 40s. Not only do you find out that the things you expected to shock people are merely entertaining, but that everyone else was onto the joke way ahead of you!

Late to the party again!


OH CRAP!! I lost my stat counter too!

Don't EVER, EVER, EVER change your template!!!


Blogger ... said...

The only thing that makes me turn away from Sue Johannson is when she talks about anal sex. I just can't take it.

And Change is good, especially templates...you just have to remember to keep the "personal" stuff you add.

1:47 AM

Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

Wow! I suddenly feel behind the 8 ball again... My TV must not have that channel...

6:32 AM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

I think Sue is first cousin to Helena Handbasket.

7:25 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Ok, I have never heard of this show before now. What channel? I would like to turn that on when Alex is about the house and make him turn beet red. He's so cute when he's scarlet :)

9:03 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I don't get Sue on my cable, but I was introduced to her show when visiting my folks in Texas. She cracked me up.

9:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm getting younger actually all the time...and yeah template changes F*ck me up!!

4:28 PM

Blogger Monique said...

I ran into that show once. What a freaky, surreal experience!

4:38 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

We caught her on the Oxygen channel. And the commercials! Well...you can just imagine!!

4:47 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Hoo boy. I'd love to see that show. Well...Maybe not.

Oh, by the way, I am:

VISITOR NO. 8. You get a few thousand more hits and you'll be somebody. Ho ho har de har har.

5:25 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I don't know what this says about me, but I think I would have rather joined the volleyball game than to watch "Sex Talk With Sue."

6:45 PM

Blogger kenju said...

What channel did you find that on??!! I saw a similar demo on HBO's Real Sex one time. Blew me away (so to speak).

12:06 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

I love it when she breaks out the toy chest. It's just funny. :)

11:38 AM


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