Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, October 3

The Cat's Away....

Ii makes me sick to think of all the men in New England who are currently being deprived of the companionship of this lovely lady. This hot babe is my buddy, Mandy (a.k.a. Whizzer), who owns this site. But I have the keys while she is spending time in New Hampshire with just one guy. One lucky guy.

My name is Ol' Hoss. I live in Oregon. Mandy lives in Connecticut. I am 75. She will always be 39. I've got a lot of no money and no plans to get any younger, so I am out of the running. Scientists will put this in the category of "too bad, Hoss."

+ + + + + + + +

So instead of mooning over Mandy (song title: "Moon Over My Mandy"?), I will teach you all about Google. I am pretty famous here in Oregon, but not nearly as famous as Old Hoss Radbourn. Go ahead, Google "Old Hoss." You have to get to at least No. 36 before I get a mention. Almost every other citation is about an 1880's New England baseball player name of Charles "Old Hoss" Radbourn, who set a record in baseball that will never be broken. He and I have a lot in common, though: He drank a lot, and I am still churning away at it.

See, ol' Chuckie died up sometime back, but not before he pitched ALL of his team's final 27 games in 1884. In that season he WON 60 games and lost 13. Today's pitchers are lucky if they can win 20.

Old Hoss set this record playing for Providence, Rhode Island, a small place now owned by Connecticut. Two years later he was playing for The Boston Beaneaters. You thought all that stuff about Boston Baked Beans was hooey, didn't you? Nope, they was mighty proud to be the Beaneaters and the Fartmakers.

This, of course, is why so many Boston people died in the great molasses spill of 1919. What happened was, a 2.5-million-gallon molasses vat.... Wait a minute: The reason they had so much molasses in Boston was because they was getting sugar from the West Indies, making it into rum, and trading the rum with somebody in Africa in exchange for slaves, who went to work in the West Indies making sugar. This was called "The Bermuda Triangle."

So anyway, this huge molasses vat -- which they tapped now and then to make baked beans -- broke apart and 21 people sweetly drowned. A children's book writer, Judity Viorst, would have labeled this "A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."

I don't know who was pitching that afternoon.

+ + + + + + + +

At my own site I always have a definition. Mandy's site gets one, too:

My favorite word today is defeat. N., hard to take. Def.: The result of your attempt to open one of those plastic packets of mustard.


Blogger Chevy Rose said...

I'm so dumb. I thought the defination was "What do you feel when walking bare foot to get the mail?", thanks for clearing that up for me. ;)

9:02 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

I thought molasses was the south end of north-bound moles.

9:18 AM

Blogger Babs said...

Hoss, you really are a pip.

Beaneaters and the Fartmakers--I think my brothers must play for them

11:35 AM

Blogger Karen said...

You are a kick in the molasses, Hoss! You crack me up!

11:53 AM

Blogger TLP said...

The Old Hoss in Oregon right now, can't be DEFEATED. He's the best.
I always vote for Not Losing.

Nice entry, Hoss.

12:08 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Hea, I tried Googling "Horsetail" instead of "Old Hoss." Didn't help much. The first page of hits contained these blurbs:

"Horsetail is a very troublesome weed."

"Horsetail is a plant left over from prehistoric times."

"The toxic signs associated with (Horsetail) are essentially the same as . . ."
("bracken fern." I went to the site. "Symptoms are Weight loss, weakness, gait abnormalities, abnormal heart rate and/or rhythm, inability to rise, death.)

Dang, hoss. For a witty, upbeat kind of guy, your moniker sure doesn't show it there in Google.

12:19 PM

Blogger Babette said...

May I hire you as a history tutor for my children?

1:50 PM

Blogger Edgy Mama said...

I'm thrilled to learn about your namesake. Nice post.

2:04 PM

Blogger J&J's Mom said...

We got a bunch of those beaneaters and fartmakers in this family...are you sure you don't know us in real life?? We're not from Boston however...wheww..that was stinky one Hoss.. ;0)

3:32 PM

Blogger Kimberly said...

I just bite those damn things open;-)

3:47 PM

Blogger Lois Lane said...

Heck Hoss. That ol' boy and his dumb balls ain't got nothin' on ya. You're a good friend for filling in for the Wizz. :)
Lois Lane

4:17 PM

Blogger poopie said...

Humph..I vote for a fart in the woods with a cool guy, just like Mandy. Scientists file that under Poopsie is available. That took lots of research by the scientististic method..okay?

*pardon me while i google you*

6:13 PM

Blogger Tabor said...

Hey, you are even better over here, if that is even possible!

6:13 PM

Blogger annie said...

"Sweetly drowned"...
ahh, that's nice.

6:13 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Mustard packets FEAR me! I have ripper nails that tear through anything. It's a rare day that condiments in small plastic packets do anything but QUAKE at my approach!

That's a great picture of Mandy! However, I'm pretty sure she's 35, not 39... ;)

7:13 PM

Blogger kenju said...

Your definition of the Bermuda Triangle is better than the real one, Hoss!

I just thought you should know: the letters I have to type in order to ealve this coment are my favorites of all I have had to type since this word verification crap started:

It reads like a cheer - so I say Rantatah for Old Hoss!!

9:07 PM

Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

That Old Hoss was pretty interesting, but I like you a LOT better.
Good post, as always.
I wish Mandy good luck with her man hunting.

10:04 PM

Blogger Monique said...

One of your finer posts, Hoss. You always make me laugh out loud!

11:13 PM

Blogger the many Bs said...

Is it still your birthday, Hoss?

1:43 AM


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