Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, November 14


Photos now...details later...

Too tired for details now.


Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Thanks for the showing of all the historical objects and of the handsome/beautiful couple.

When I was in H.S. English, we had a choice of writing an essay or a poem. I was the only one who wrote poem (about "Old Ironsides" -- nee U.S.S. Constitution), so naturally I got an A. Hoo boy for me.

1:37 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Yay! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time! I'd love to go to Boston sometime.

Yes, you are right...the weekend is great, and then you get home and it's a bit lonely. Weekends = great; weekdays without significant other = Suck. I'm just glad that we'll get most of Thanksgiving week together (with kids and family too...we're going to head up to Raleigh). It's funny how I mark off the days based on when I get to see him again...I'm betting you do the same!

3:54 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Hope the trip was great! When I went to Boston in August for a friend's wedding, the rehearsal dinner was in the State House. She used to work there. Did you go inside to tour it? There's some really neat history there.

4:26 PM

Blogger mcgibfried said...

i freaking LOVE boston..

especially this time of year!
looks like you had fun.

7:56 PM

Blogger ... said...

Those wacky blue men....always funky!

8:39 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Gene: I took a photo of the Constitution...oh yeah, I sent you all the photos...but we didn't get to tour it. Not enough time. Next trip!!

Kira: Yeah...the long distance/living with kids/a couple days a week together get's frustrating!! Okay...you're right...SUCKS is a far better description!

Monique: No, we had so little time we did the fly-through tourist package! Next time we'll try to hit some of the places we missed. Both of us had a relatively bad impression of Boston from our few previous trips to the city. We're both country folk. But we discovered that, if you don't have to DRIVE in Boston, it's really a nice place to visit. I'm sure we'll be going back.

McG: We had a GREAT time! How was Georgia?

Clora: Love the blue guys!! Thanks for your help with that Vegas issue earlier!!

12:06 AM


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