Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, November 9

The plumber's butt crack??

Wednesday night is "date night". I have my 12-year-old son on the weekends, so Paul and I typically plan a date every Wednesday night. Tonight, "date night" involved Paul investigating and measuring the existing plumbing under my sink, reading the owner's manual for my new dishwasher, checking out my circuit breaker box and driving 30 minutes (each way) to "Home Depot" for various plumbing and electrical supplies. Paul is an electrician, but he's also an all-around handy guy. He's going to install my new kitchen sink and new dishwasher. We needed about $120 worth of supplies. I told him that for $100+ bucks, I should at least get to gawk at my plumber's butt!

Part of the reason my blogging has been spotty is that my daughter has a "My Space" and she spends literally HOURS on our one and only computer. She got on right after dinner tonight and was still on line when we got back from our "Home Depot" supply run!

Paul and I are going to Boston this weekend. I have off on Friday for Veteran's Day. In order not to cut in to my son's time, I'm picking him a day early and returning him to his dad a day early. Paul and I will leave Saturday afternoon and return Monday night. We're each taking a vacation day on Monday. Trying to balance being a divorced parent and having a social life is a challenge. Perhaps the even more difficult challenge involves the adult-aged kids who live at home full-time, making privacy an almost non-existant commodity. My incredibly nosy ex asked me why Paul and I were spending the weekend in Boston. I glared at him like he had six heads and said, "So we can get a room." He reacted with disgust. He shouldn't have asked!! I bought tickets to take Paul to see "Blue Man Group" while we're in Boston. I just LOVE that show and he's never seen it.

THREE more days until Paul and I are in Boston. Impatient? Who me??


Blogger kenju said...

I'd love to see the Blue Man Group! Lucky Paul.

11:17 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Well, you already know that I empathize with the children/single parent/dating issue! In some ways younger children are easier, but in others they are worse. When we go down as a family unit to see Alex in Columbia, I'm lucky to get any action at all in that tiny apartment, even after the kids are soundly in bed and asleep! But, for us we have typically two weekends a month when the Ex has the kids so we get couple time that way. This month, however, we're having them three weekends PLUS visiting family over Thanksgiving (wherein we will have children, my brother's children, and my sister-in-law's toddler nephew, parents, and sister all in the SAME HOUSE!), so I just have to face the fact that I will have a delicious chocolate cake sitting next to me for the rest of November, but nobody is going to let me take a bite *cries*

I'm glad you found a way to spend your weekend with your son AND get couple time.

Going to Boston sounds great! I think that way you can reward the plumber for all his hard work. Hmmm...I've just now made your lovely weekend sound like some cheap porn tape...haha! Sorry about that :) "Is that your pipe or are you just happy to see me, big boy?"

5:27 AM

Blogger bornfool said...

If you fly me up there I'll install the sink and dishwasher for you. :)

8:50 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

BF: While it would cost me MORE than hiring a local plumber, I'd do it if I had the money! Would love to see you. There's always VEGAS!!

Did you get any damage from that tornado?

9:03 AM

Blogger Dream Owl said...

Sorry I haven't been around in a while. It's been frantic over here as well.

I've never seen the Blue Man Group either. I'm so jealous!

Have a good time.

4:41 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Hey, kid, when you get a chance, tell me by email aboout this Las Vegas gig.

7:41 PM

Blogger ... said...

Blue Man Group just moved to a bigger casino on the strip in Vegas, so if he likes it he can see a REAL big show of it when you comes down!

2:01 PM

Blogger Blog ho said...

pipes checked is fun.

2:45 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Have a good weekend. I love Boston!

6:03 PM

Blogger naughtygirl said...

glad to hear allis well!

11:46 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Ah ha! Didn't you say that you were getting repeatedly pitched to see that Blue Man Group again? They wore you down with the advertising.

For my money, a good plumber is worth is weight in butt cracks.

6:29 PM

Blogger DBFrank said...

Hope Boston was fun!

7:12 AM


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