Pondering the complexities of life.

Thursday, July 27

American Idol

Remember those $200 worth of airline coupons I received from Southwest Air following a bad flight experience back in February of this year? I had intended to use them toward the purchase of two more tickets to Vegas, so Paul and I could return in April or May. Instead, I will be putting them toward the purchase of two tickets to Tennessee over Labor Day weekend. I'm taking my daughter to audition for American Idol.

I know it's a long shot. I believe she has tremendous talent, but I am well aware that it is impossible for me to be objective. It's also a fact that talent frequently has little to do with who becomes successful in the music industry and who remains a complete unknown. In the entertainment business, it has far more to do with luck, connections, timing and visual appeal than with raw talent.

The audition process is grueling. Registration occurs for two days prior to the audition. The website warns against trying to camp out the night before, in order to better your position in line. They ask that you show up no earlier than 5AM for the 8AM registration. Will contenstants abide by that? Registration will continue until producers choose to end it. You could, theoretically, show up on day two of registration and find it closed. Being lucky enough to register does NOT guarantee you an audition. Registration earns you a wristband, allowing you into the theatre on audition day. Contestants will be called, supposedly in the order they were registered. When they run out of time, auditions are over. You could wait in line for two days, get registered to audition, and never be called. We could spend all the time, money, effort and cherished vacation days and my daughter could return home having never sung a note.

Then again, she could impress the judges, land a spot on the show and - even if she doesn't win - catch the eye (ear) of someone in the business who could offer to help launch her career. Yes, I know it is a tremendous long-shot and the stuff upon which romantic FICTION novels are based.

Am I insane??


If one of you high-tech types could help me post a sound file, I could give you all a sample of my daughter's singing.



Blogger Kira said...

Your insanity is not relevant to the absolute fact that your daughter's voice is so talented that it gives me shivers. Seriously. AND she's pretty, which the AI folks like too! I think you should go for it. The worst regrets we get in life are "what if." This will knock a what if off of her list...and as mothers, that is our duty to our daughters!

12:03 AM

Blogger kenju said...

Definitely go for it! You might never forgive yourself if you didn't and at the very least, your daughter will know you care enough to take the time for that. Let us know what happens!

3:08 PM

Blogger poopie said...

You're coming to Tennessee????? Heh..we oughta get together. Where are the auditions?

6:39 PM

Blogger Serendipity said...

Best of luck to your daughter's audition.

6:53 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

My son's friend tried out for American Idol. Make sure she has a song that brings out her unique style and vocal talent. Lots of good, talented singers out there. She needs to stand out from the pack. That's what I've heard.

11:08 AM

Blogger poopie said...

I'm about 80 miles north of Memphis...email me with the dates and such that you'll be there!

12:01 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

Having heard a sample of C's singing, I know she has a chance if she can just be heard. I'll be praying for her and you. she is terrific. You're doing the right thing, WW.

5:03 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Daughter can't get there unless she gives it the old college try. Good for both of you. And good luck, Whizzer.

6:09 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

It's okay to be insane. Just don't be stupid.

Best of luck; best wishes and God speed. Practice, practice, practice. ["I am Taylor Hicks...I am Taylor Hicks...I am Taylor Hicks...] We're rooting for you!!! You are hereby required to give us all up-to-the-minute news and results! Go! Go! Go!

BTW: in 2010 I'm going to attempt something just as big and just as insane. I can hardly wait!

10:18 PM

Blogger ... said...

I'm sorry you won't be coming down to visit, but I wish your daughter the best of luck!

5:00 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Hi WW, that's great news to be able to take your daughter to audition for American Idol, hope she does super well.

3:47 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Whizzer! I'm back! Only for a tiny tiny period of time though - just thought I'd pop by and wish your daughter good luck in American Idol - Simon Cowell's a big teddy bear really, so she'll be fine...

8:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck to your daughter!!

1:04 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Ollie! Ollie! X in free. Come back! Come back, wherever you are!

10:38 PM

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9:41 AM


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