Pondering the complexities of life.

Sunday, July 1

My computer is shot!

Computer shot. Son's leave from army delayed - perhaps until December, though he still has to ship out to Germany by July 10. Paperwork SNAFU. Will have to set up appointment with Geek Squad when I get time.

I'm not ignoring you. Just don't have access to internet. Typing this from Paul's computer!


Blogger Kira said...

It so sucks when the computer doesn't work! Hope it's resolved soon.

10:58 PM

Blogger kenju said...

What a pain! Hope it is all fixed soon.

11:57 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Does the PX where you son is sell computers? Maybe he can get you a real deal, as in genuine.

7:24 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

I hate it when that happenshappenshappens!

8:18 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

"Computer shot." I hope that means it's not working. At first, it sounded like you shot it yourself. Maybe cause your post had an Army tie-in too.

12:15 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Born Fool hasn't posted for 2 full months. Would you know why?

4:23 PM

Blogger ... said...

glad to know you are still alive!

7:49 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Fry me a river, and I'll fry a river over you....

8:49 PM


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