Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, August 12


Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my first date with Paul.

While at work, I got a call from the receptionist saying I had a "special package" at the front desk. This is what I found.

Paul had placed the order with a florist near my office, telling him that he wanted it to have a really large balloon - something that couldn't help but be noticed floating above the sea of cubicles that make up my office environment. I'd say the florist got his point! What Paul didn't realize was that the balloon, in addition to being VERY large, played music! Tap it and you hear two verses of "Roses are Red, My Love". Romantic, yes. But trust me, the song can get annoying after about two dozen renditions.

People in the adjoining cubes found it extremely entertaining to toss things over the walls of the cubicle in an attempt to hit the ballon, causing it to sing. Late in the afternoon, an executive from the other side of the office approached me and said, "This has GOT to stop!" IT WASN'T ME!!!

Trying to walk to my car through the large parking lot at the end of the day and and avoid looking too conspicuous carrying this enormous balloon wasn't easy. The effort was further hampered when a breeze blew the balloon against my shoulder. "Roses are Red, My Love...Violets are Blue...Sugar is Sweet, My Love...But Not as Sweet as You." Roses were not the ONLY thing that was RED.

Paul was delighted at the impact his delivery had made on my office.

We met for ice cream last night at the site of our first date. I'd created a book for him, telling the story (in words and photos) of our first year together. (See...I can be a sappy romantic too!!) He gave me a white and yellow gold Citizen's watch with diamonds around the face. I usually wear $10 watches from WalMart! I'm going to be afraid to wear this watch except for dressy occassions!! It's probably the most expensive piece of jewelry I own. (Admittedly, that's not saying much. I'm not exactly a jewelry fanatic.)

He also gave me the most beautiful card, which described this sentiment in three panels:

"All I want to do is to love you forever..."



Blogger Big Dave T said...

Gee, I'm not a romantic but that all melted my heart too.

1:07 PM

Blogger ... said...

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2:41 PM

Blogger ... said...

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2:41 PM

Blogger ... said...

You two are so cute! You guys made my heart flutter! I hope you had a great time!

2:42 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

I love you guys.

3:47 PM

Blogger kenju said...

I TOLD you he was a keeper!! Good on ya', Paul!

8:14 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Off to New Hampshire! Back Thursday! Enjoy your weekend!

6:27 AM

Blogger Kira said...

Wow, that balloon story cracked me up! Perfect. I love that it had the music on it :) Paul rocks, and I'm very glad you two have each other. Have fun!

7:51 PM

Blogger Monique said...

Happy first year anniversary!

12:04 AM

Blogger Peter said...

A romance made in heaven goin' on here.

9:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy anniversary... you should go on a cruise and celebrate!

3:33 PM

Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

That's cool!!!
I think the singing balloon is hysterical!!!! Of course, I wasn't dealing with it all day! LOL!!

9:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:33 PM


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