Pondering the complexities of life.

Thursday, August 10

Regarding recent comments:

Sorry, Paul! Thanks for missing me! And I'm so glad you stopped by, Merkin. You were one of those disappearing bloggers I'd referred to in a previous post!! I've been insanely busy lately. I know...I know...that's what all of us absentee bloggers say. And you have to wonder: Is she really so busy or is she just staying away to make it appear as though her life is wildly interesting? If I was busy with anything substantially interesting, I'd find time to post about it!!

The news in my world, for the few of you who still check in (the few,the proud, the unbelievably loyal...):
  • I've written two more articles since you last heard from me. The one concerning vacationing in New Hampshire will appear in the September issue of the magazine and the one about Autumn events in Rhode Island will be in the October issue. I have a tentative assignment for the November issue, space permitting.
  • Speaking of New Hampshire, Paul and I will be heading there on Sunday, August 13-Wednesday, August 16. We're returning to the first place we traveled together in honor of our one-year-anniversary.
  • Speaking of anniversaries, Friday, August 11, marks the one year anniversary of the day Paul and I met (in person). We discovered each other through an internet dating service. (Specifically Match.com, for Dave's benefit. You should give it a try, Poopie. After about 20 frustrating and irritating months on-and-off the site, it eventually worked for me!) Paul and I had our first in-person meeting at an ice cream shop on August 11, 2005. We'll be returning there Friday night to reminisce.
  • Speaking of ice cream, my biggest high-calorie weakness, I just had my cholesterol levels checked and discovered my LDL is at 200, putting me solidly in the VERY HIGH category. I have to see my primary care physician for a physical when I return from Memphis in early September.
  • Speaking of Memphis, my daughter has decided to sing the CarrieUnderwood song, "Jesus Take the Wheel" for her American Idol audition. (Assuming we make it that far!) A few of you have heard her singing that song on a recording of one of our church services, during which she performed it. I'd post the recording on this blog, if I knew how!! SHE has it posted on her MySpace, making her officially more technically proficient than her mother.
  • Speaking of proficient, I got my annual raise at work. The 2.7% increase won't come close to keeping up with the cost of gas required for my 30-mile commute (each way).
  • Speaking of commutes, I'm still toying with the idea of selling my house next summer and moving closer to where Paul lives. The slumping real estate market is a double edged sword, since I'll be both selling and buying.
  • Speaking of weapons (admittedly a weak seque), my older son will be home on leave from the army from August 20-August 31. We'll be celebrating his 21st birthday on the 22nd.
  • Speaking of young men, I just learned that Hoss has a girlfriend! I'm unbelievably happy for him (God knows he deserves all the happiness in the world!), while at the same time jealous as hell that he's fallen for someone else! I was willing to share the wealth that is Hoss with my fellow bloggers like Vicki, Tish, Poopie and Kenju, but this latest revelation is challenging the limits of my ability to stifle my posessive tendencies. However, for the sake of his obvious happiness, I will keep my rabid envy to myself. All kidding aside, you know I love you, Hoss - always have. And I'm truly thrilled with your happiness!

That's it!! See...nothing wildly interesting! And I left out all the REALLY dull stuff!


Blogger kenju said...

After I saw your comment on my post, I came over here to ask you where you had been - but I guess I know after reading this. My daughter met her 2nd hubby on Match (I think), and Poopie should try it, definitely!

I am helping a friend from Hampton, NH with wedding flowers this weekend here in Raleigh. Small world!

11:14 PM

Blogger ... said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, and your life isn't boring, it's frought with purpose! Keep having fun, but not so much fun that you can't blog about it!

11:19 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

FRIDAY, 8/11:
A dozen red roses with a HUGE, heart-shaped balloon (20" x 20") that sings "Roses are Red" when you tap it arrived at my office with a card reading: "Happy 1st Anniversary! You're the best thing that ever happened to me." All the females in my office gathered around my cube and uttered in unison, "Awww…" The people in the adjoining cubes wanted to shoot me after the fourth of fifith person tapped the balloon to start the song, but that's okay. I'm one lucky girl!!

10:53 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I thought you WERE in Nashville with your daughter for the audition. Just can't keep up with you and your goings-on.

When I was at the library, I noticed the young fellow next to me on one of those on-line dating site message boards. The pictures on that site advertised some incredibly nice looking ladies.

12:20 PM

Blogger Paul Nichols said...

Aaaaah, you're back. That's more like it. I feel much better now.

11:00 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Congratulations on the anniversary WW and Paul.

2:05 AM

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