Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, March 6

Mixed Signals

What do statements such as, "These things take time" and "I was thinking maybe we should get some property in the south for a winter home" have in common?

Exactly! MEN!

I'm in no rush...honestly, I'm not. I'm pretty certain where we're headed, I'd just like some vague idea of timetable. I'm afraid to ask for fear of SEEMING to be in a rush...which I'm not...REALLY! I'd just like to know if I should think about adding that garage to my house before next winter, or if I should avoid investing more money into a house I might end up selling by then? How earnestly should I be looking for a new job and in what area should I be looking? Where would I be commuting from in the long run? And how should I define "the long run"??

I'm a planner. I like to have a plan. I'm not good at treading water. I like to be moving in a specific direction.

I know, I know. "Relax and enjoy it! He treats you like GOLD! Stop obsessing!"

You're right, of course. You're always right!

PS: Please stop by here and offer up some words of comfort to a fellow blogger in need. Thanks!


Blogger bornfool said...

I'd say go ahead with your home improvements. They will only help the value of your home, if and when you sell it. Two thoughts: patience, and reverse psychology. lol.

11:32 AM

Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

I need a plan nd direction as well...I don't do too well with fly by the seat of my pants. I like to know how things are going to pan out.

1:35 PM

Blogger Kira said...

No, I need plans too. In fact, in an effort to soothe my worries and need for planning, Alex periodically sends me an excel spreadsheet with his budget on it or something similar just to make sure I know he's thinking of the future too! Haha!

Doing home improvements will increase the resale value of the house. I'm with bornfool in saying you should just plan to do them anyway. Either way, you'll need them (to increase the selling price or make it more pleasant to live in if you are staying a bit longer).

We're sort of stuck right now because we're relying on some unreliable people to gather up wedding info for us for the summer of 2007. See, since it's in France, there's only so much we can do HERE. Makes me nervous. I would like by this summer to have a date, a place, a budget, and a clue. I think we might manage all but the last on that item list.

4:15 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I'm a man, but I also like to have a plan (a man, a canal, etc., boom whizbang). So go with the garage.

6:26 PM

Blogger TD said...

I would just like to point out, that for someone who is an obsessive planner, a person who likes to stop and smell the roses, who can relax and let things happen as they may, could be a perfect compliment.

Yang to your Yin

8:36 PM

Blogger kenju said...

Yep, bornfool is probably right. I hope, for your sake, someone lights a fire under him soon.

1:01 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Even the best laid plans can go wrong. I'm with BornFool. Do the home improvements.

6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for not forgetting about me... even if I have been neglecting you.

Oh, and stopthefreakinobsessivewomanbehavior!!!

OK, that didn't fit on all one line, but just shut up and enjoy it, will ya?


7:31 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Hi WW, how many of the questions you posed NEED to be answered straight away?
The garage seems to have general approval, how seriously are you looking for a new job? it doesn't much matter where it is if you aren't really looking.
Try to sit back, relax, smell the roses and enjoy what seems to be a very good relationship.
Stay happy.

7:28 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Thanks, Kate!! I tried to find your blog, but couldn't.

9:12 PM


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