Pondering the complexities of life.

Wednesday, August 16

New Hampshire - Take 2

Well, Big Dave...we made it to the summit of Mount Washington!

But I have to admit that we cheated! As an anniversary gift, I gave Paul tickets to ride the Cog Railroad up Mount Washington.

When we arrived in New Hampshire on Sunday, we were told that visibility was next to zero on the top of the mountain and the temperature, taking into account the wind chill factor, was in the area of 19-degrees! We decided not to venture up the mountain until (and unless) conditions improved. I called the ranger station Monday morning and was given advice to "Go for it!" If I had it to do again, I'd drive up to the summit. The train is interesting, but I didn't think it was worth the hefty price tag.

We visited the Mount Washington Hotel while were were in the area. WOW! What a beautiful place. What a gorgeous view!

We sipped cocktails on the veranda and decided to return the following night for our anniversary dinner. The hotel has a casual, but extremely pricey, BBQ buffet outside on the patio nightly, featuring peel and eat shrimp, salad, BBQ chicken, curry pork, various vegetables and grill-to-order steaks, salmon, cat fish, burgers and hot dogs. The food was absolutely fabulous, making it difficult to find room for the cheesecake, cherry pie, peacan pie and other fabulous dessert offerings! There was live music and this view!!

Well worth the $32.50/per person price tag!

We did lots of hiking, took the sky ride to the top of Loon Mountain, went to Clark's Trading Post (those bears are so cute!) and the time simply vanished! I'll be back at work tomorrow, wondering why the time leading up to the vacation seems to last forever, but the time during the vacation flies by so fast you wonder where it went??


Blogger ... said...

WoooHoo! Beautiful!

3:30 AM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

I only wish our pictures had turned out so well. And it's such beautiful country around there. Glad you did get some hiking in there. The Appalachian Trail cuts through the White Mountains and I admired the folks who, in better shape than I, were hauling large backpacks down the well worn but rocky path.

12:14 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

TDG: Loved that internet dating story! Wow...funny!

BIG DAVE: Paul carried the back pack. He also swam in the river. I waded, but decided it was a bit to icey for swimming. Yeah...I'm the wimp!

5:59 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

I really enjoyed the pics today. Thank,WW. :)

11:53 PM

Blogger Peter said...

Beautiful pictures WW, sounds like you had a great time.

9:42 AM

Blogger Monique said...

Glad you enjoyed the trip! I'm off on a trip of my own, to visit an old college friend for a long weekend. I can't wait!

10:10 AM

Blogger Kira said...

The hotel reminds me somewhat of the Grove Park Inn in Asheville. That place is also a very large hotel in the mountains with a spectacular view. They, too, have a restaurant there that has out of this world buffets and the best Sunday brunch in the universe. The whole trip sounds magnificent! I love the first photo because both of you just look so damned happy. I'm glad you had a great trip!

7:25 AM

Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

I hope you stopped at the outlets on the way home!!

9:09 AM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

Not much of a shopper, Lady Bug. We skipped the outlets.

6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »

7:24 PM


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