Pondering the complexities of life.

Monday, August 28


PacMan sees the neurologist on Thursday morning. I'm happy they're seeing him so quickly, but concerned he will miss his very first day of 8th grade. His EEG is currently scheduled for September 13, but I don't know if that will be changed following the appointment on Thursday morning.

Photo-sensitive epilepsy, which on-line research suggests this is, often appears just prior to puberty and sometimes disappears after puberty. Triggers include light reflecting off a pond or lake, sunlight filtering through trees, CRT computer screens and video games. I've already ordered an LCD computer monitor and we're checking with the school to see what sort of computers they use. My daughter told me that there was a girl in her class when she attended the middle school who had a computer-induced seizure. The school provided her with a laptop computer. We'll either have PacMan excused from computer class or have them provide him with a safe monitor. Medications, while safer than those of earlier days, still include risks, most notably to liver function. Most common side effects include fatigue and weight gain. We're hoping to avoid medication, at least until he reaches driving age. Seizures are apparently more frightening than dangerous, so long as they don't last longer than 4 minutes and do no occur in clusters. Avoiding video games, providing PacMan with polarized sun glasses and teaching him coping mechanisms (for instance, covering one eye when faced with a threatening light stimulus - closing both eyes merely allows the offensive light to enter through the eyelids), may serve as sufficient protection so long as he's not driving or swimming.

I leave Thursday afternoon for Memphis, where my daughter hopes to get an opportunity to audition for American Idol. I'll update you all when I return...assuming the stress hasn't killed me by then!!

PS: Thanks, Amanda, for your cheerful email.


Blogger kenju said...

We will hope that his case disappears after puberty. But be thankful that it was discovered early, and can be treated.

8:09 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

As someone who takes a lot of medication, it seems like pretty much any prescription drug has a chance to mess with your liver. They always do blood tests to check for that. I don't think it's usually a big deal

Hope Pac-Man weathers all this with the same determination that ma often shows here in her blog.

8:23 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Let's hope the daughter gets a shot. You need some light in your life, Whizzer. Good luck to all.

7:27 PM

Blogger ... said...

Best of luck!

2:21 AM


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