Pondering the complexities of life.

Saturday, August 19

Promote Your Favorite Product

I have very little name-brand loyalty. I shop almost exclusively by price for my day-to-day purchases. I question the claims of advertisements promising superior performance. It's all just a lot of Madison Avenue bulls##t, isn't it??

I admit that I have been amazed on rare occasions, by a product that performed above and beyond even my most optimistic expectations. I'm sure you have had such experiences as well.

I thought it might be nice to spread the wealth and let people know about these special finds. There are so few really valuable products out there; so few items live up to the claims of their advertisements.

Here's one that you will rarely (if ever) need, but you will thank me for this bit of information if that need ever arises.

It seems anytime I get a sore inside my mouth from brushing my teeth too vigorously or inadvertently biting the inside of my lip, it becomes a painful canker sore. Canker sores generally last about two weeks, during which time it hurts to eat salty or spicy foods because they irritate the sore. This product, KANKA, not only numbs the area, but covers the canker sore with a waxy coating, preventing food from causing further pain and irritation. While canker sores may be a very occasional problem, finding a product that treats it in such an effective manner is a God-send. (Or, in this case, a Whizzer-send.) If you ever get these painful mouth irritations, keep a bottle of this on hand. It's not cheap...about $5/bottle. You can't share it as the applicator has to come in contact with the inside of your mouth. You're unlikely to use the entire bottle before the product expires, unless you get a LOT of mouth sores. But trust me...it's worth every penny of the purchase price.

Tell me your wonder-product story.


Blogger Kira said...

WOW...I have to write this one down. Alex gets canker sores on occasion, and I hate to see him suffer. The other stuff I got him helps, but not like what it sounds like this stuff would help him. Thanks!

I can't think of anything offhand. I usually go for whatever is on sale myself (unless it comes to wine), so I don't often promote a specific brand. Oh, wait! I know. I used to think that Yankee Candles were horribly overpriced and worthless. Then I received one as a gift, and I realized that not only do they work like incense and give a lovely background smell, they last for waaaay more hours than another brand of candle would of similar size. I do recommend shopping for them in January when they have their 50% off sales, though. That's when they are really worth the price and much better than any other candle.

4:21 PM

Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I once bought a new toilet float and it worked. I forget the brand.

So I guess this isn't as good a story as yours, but it IS a story...

7:23 PM

Blogger bornfool said...

I'll have to get some of that, too. Thanks for keeping us informed. :)

I'm not too much for certain brands with the exception of two things. It must be Heinz ketchup and Peter Pan peanut butter.

2:46 AM

Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

We used to use tincture of merthiolate - it probably causes cancer but it got rid of the canker in a matter of minutes... I can't find it in stores any more, but if I do, I'll let you know where.

9:15 AM

Blogger ... said...

Go to Bath and Body Works and buy the C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Gloss. It comes in tints of colors or clear, isn't sticky like some glosses can be, hydrates lips like crazy, and is Mint-Infused for Fresh Breath!

Best. Lip. Gloss. Ever.

3:50 AM

Blogger kenju said...

The new Windex Multi-task is the greatest cleaner ever. It is a whiz at cleaning, plus it smells nice and doesn't make me choke like some products do.

Thanks for the rec on kanka. I have only ever had one of those, but I might need it again.

2:52 PM

Blogger WordWhiz said...

The new swiffer duster is another great find. While it's not as good as a real dusting with polish, it's FABULOUS when you're in a hurry. One of those GOT-TO-HAVE items!

My son's home on leave from the service for the next week and a half, then my daughter' and I leave for American Idol.

6:47 PM

Blogger Kira said...

Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser. There. That's a big one. It really gets out stains you never thought would disappear...as a mother of two small children, trust me.

And good luck with American Idol!!!

6:27 PM

Blogger Big Dave T said...

Kenju's comment reminds me of the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.

Since I heard wine mentioned, what's wrong with Three Buck Chuck. Better than a lot of more expensive wines.

7:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful and informative web site. I used information from that site its great. » » »

10:08 AM


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